Monday, September 21, 2009

Assignments for Monday 21

1. Grammar - workbook page 19 6 to 12 and page 20 A ( past due )

2. Mathematics - page 19 numbers 1 to 18.

3. Science - page 16 numbers 2-5 and page 17 numbers 8 to 10.

4. Religion - Answer the question on the handout. If you lost the handout. check the note below the assignment listing.

5. Reading summaries ( past due )

6. Writing draft ( past due )

Religion Topic :As Catholics we believe in the trinity. The trinity includes God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They are Male in gender thus the designation Father and Son. In the genesis account however, we read that God created Man in his “image and likeness. Man and Woman he created them.” If we are created in the image and likeness of God then is God male or Female.

Remember: you are judged on your explanation.