Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Christmas is a time for family. Make sure your spend time with your family to show them that you love them. Most of you have worked really hard this year. Continue the good work. The majority of you your dispositions have changed into one that is more responsible and respectful.

Your assignment is:

- Bring in one copy of the newspaper. Either New York Times, post, or Daily news. Can be any copy of the paper from over the holidays.

- Bring in one copy of your favorite magazine. IF you do not have one take yourself to a magazine or newstand and browse untill you find one that matches your interest.

Have both with you the first day of school, which is the 5th of January.

Happy Kwanza
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas

Mr. Thomas

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Assignments for December 18th

1. Grammar test study from the date of Dec 15th .

2. Grammar workbook page 59-60

3. mathematics - page 69 numbers 1-12 and 17-18.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Assignments for December 17th

1. Grammar workbook page 58

2. mathematics workbook page 68

3. Spelling vocabulary page 69

4. Religion page 35 keywords

5. Penmanship finish page 19-20

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Assignments for December 16th

1. Grammar page 57

2. Mathematics page 67

3. Science page 93 workbook.

Assignments for December 16th

1. Grammar page 57

2. Mathematics page 67

3. Science page 93 workbook.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Assignments for December 15th.

1. English - page 56

2. Mathematics - page 66 numbers 3-23

3. Science Test tomorrow study from the date of december 2nd.

4. Spelling test chapter 9 in Both Books

5. Religion Page 34 in workbook.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Assignments for Thursday Dec 11

1. mathematics - page 63 number 1-13

2. mathematics page 64 number 1-12 and 22-24

3. Writing Finish the Boxes.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Assignments for Dec 9th

1. English - page 54 workbook.

2. English Test tomorrow. study from the aim of Dec 3

3. Math test tomorrow. study from the aim of the 2oth of Nov.

4. Reading - Page 63

5. Social Studies. Study from the aim of Nov 24th

Monday, December 08, 2008

Assignments for Monday Dec 8th

1. Mathematics - page 59 workbook

2. Spelling page 76-78 workshop

3. Religion test tomorrow. study from the aim of December 2nd.

4. Reading - page 62 workbook.

5. Social Studies Test tomorrow - study from the date of nov. 24th.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Assignments for Friday Dec 5th

1. english grammar page 53

2. mathematics page 57

3. science page 83

4. Spelling page 76-78 workshop

5. Religion page 33

If you did not bring in a cereal box be sure that you bring in a COVERED one on monday. This is part of a project . Failure to complete will result in a No Credit grade.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Assignments for December 3rd

1. English - grammar workbook page 51

2. mathematics - workbook page 55

3. Science workbook page 79

4. Spelling 76-78 workshop

5. Writing - Bring in an empty cereal box by Friday Morning.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Assignments for December 2

1. Grammar test tomorrow. study from the date of Nov 21st.

2. Mathematics - workbook page 54 numbers 11-20

3. Science page 75

4. Spelling page 69-75

5. Religion Test tomorrow. Study from the date of Nov 21st.

6. Workbook page 31 Religion

Grammar workbook page 52