Thursday, December 10, 2009

Assignments for 10th

1. English test tomorow

2. mathematics page 121-122 and test tomorrow.

3. Science test tomorrow

4. Religion Test on Colors of the Liturgical Year

5. science notebooks due to be checked.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Assignments for Dec 9

1. English - page 100, 101, 102

2. Mathematics - page 119-120

3. Science page 93 ( 2, 3, 4, 6 ), page 94 ( 7, 8, 10)

4. Spelling - Unit 9 TEst tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Assignments for Dec 2nd

Grammar page 94/95/96A

Science page 89/90

Spelling Test tomorrow Unit 8 / Workshop Quiz

S Studies Test tomorrow

Writing Publish Essays

Thursday, November 19, 2009

19th November

1. Math page 101 and 102 31-35

2. Science 85 and 86

3. workshop pages 61-62 9 1-20)

4. projects due tomorrow.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Assignments for 16th

Grammar page 79 and 80A

science page 78 2 to 5 and page 79 6 and 8

vocabulary. Pages. 48-51

projects due Friday.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Assignments for Nov.5

English page 76, 77 ( A ), and 78 ( B )

Math page 89 and 90 #( 21 - 23 ) and ( 31 - 34 )

Religion Project due tomorrow

Religion Project due next Friday

Art Bring in plain white t-shirt due tomorrow and art supplies to decorate the shirt

Writing writing class drafts must be edited

Writing writing plot maps must be done

Spelling ( vocab )pages 42, 43, and 44 ( past due )

Monday, November 02, 2009

Assignments for Nov 2

english page 73, 74, 75A

mathematics - page 83, 84 (28-33)

Science - page 69/70

S Studies test tomorrow study from date of oct 19th

vocabulary page 42, 43, 44

Projects due friday

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Assignments for Oct 29

english - page 70 71 and 72B

Science workbook page 67, 68 ( 7-9)

Religion test

Writing - rewrite mother goose drafts.

Hidden message puzzle. attempt to solve.

Projects due friday in Religion

White T shirts friday for Art Project.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

assignments for 28th

Grammar page 67, 68, 69A

mathematics test on inequalities

project due on the 6th

white t due for art on the 6th

writing - publish stories noting my changes and correct all errors.

halloween - Buddy System bring candy

Dress Down tomorrow. Jeans and Sneakers. No SKINNY JEANS. Dress in appropriately and you will not only loose the priviledge but you will have to change to enter the classroom.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Assignment for 27 October.

English - page 64. Page 64 page 66A

science page 61 62 (7-8) page 63 and 64 (5-6)

religion - start working on your presentation titled " does God exist".

Monday, October 19, 2009

assignments for monday 19

English - page 52 a and B , 53A and 54A

Mathematics - page 63-64

Science - page 51, 52 ( 6 and 7 ) , and 53

Spelling - vocabulary page 29

Spelling - workshop page 54-55

Spelling Test tomorrow

Religion Project due friday

Past due : mother goose .

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Assignments for October 15th

English - page 49, 50A and 51A

Mathematics - page 61 and 62( 21-41)

Science projects dude tomorrow

Work on your religion projects due next week.

Complete study island by end of day on Sunday

Past due : writing ( mother goose)

Friday, October 09, 2009

Assignments for October 9

mathematics - page 49 numbers 1 to 14 and 0 numbers 19-23

Science - Page 44 and 48 numbers 1 to 11, 13, 16, 20 and 21

religion write a one page summaryont he life of jesus

Complete the practice tests

Art - Complete your negative and positive space.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Assignments for October 8th

1. English - Test tomorrow on NOUNS

2. Mathematics page 47 2-15 and page 48 17-21 and Quiz

3. Science page 42 number 2 , 3 and page 43 number 5, 7 and 8

4. Spelling workshop pages 43 and 45

5. Spelling vocabulary pages 25 and 26

6. Study island lesson closes on Friday

7. your writing from yesterday is past due

8. Penmanship pages 13-15

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Assignments for October 7

English page 43 a and 44a

mathematics page 45 number 2 to 18 , page 46 number 20 to 24

science page 38, 39 number 7, page 40 number 2 and 4 , page 41 number 5 and 6

spelling workshop page 43 and 45

spelling vocabulary page 25 and 26

writing work on plot map and title for mother goose

Study island complete by Friday.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Assignments for October 5th

English - page 37 page 38 A B and page 39 A

Mathematics page 41 numbers 2-12 page 42 numbers 20-24

Science page 36 all and page 37 8 and 10

Spelling test tomorrow

spelling workshop 38-41

Religion test tomorrow

Mathematics - some will stay over to review algebra

Penmanship pages 11-12

Missing emergency cards must be recived by Wednesday.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Assignments for October 2

English page 34 a b. 35 a b 36 a

math page 39. Page 40. 22-27

spelling workshop test on words from chapter two

spelling vocabulary test on words from chapter 2

writing Work on draft for story on loose leaf and finish scene Boxea.

Make sure your study island is complete u must repeat the level if you score below 70%

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Assignments for 30th

english page 34 A and B , 35 A and B , 36 A

science test tomorrow

complete your study island by Friday

Writing shoebox - and magazines with pictures related to household items

Spelling Vocab page 23 / workshop test chapter 2

Monday, September 28, 2009

Assignments for Monday 28th

English page 31 B and C page 32A

Mathematics page 33-34 numbers 1-30

Science Test on the elements 1-15

Science page 27 - 28 numbers 1-7

Spelling vocabulary pp 20-21

Penmanship pp 7-8

Past due
Reading - notes for movie review
spelling 19/19 and workshop 31/32

Friday, September 25, 2009

Assignments for 25th

English Test on Monday

Science page 25 number 1 to 5 and page 26 number 7

Spelling workshop pages 31 and 32

Spelling Vocabulary pages 18 and 19

Art due monday

Reading notes for your movie review due monday.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Assignments for the 24

English page 25 and 26 a

mathematics page 31 to 32

workshop spelling page 31 and 32

vocabulary spelling 18 and 19

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Assignments for 22nd

English page 22 and 23a

Science page 18 to 19 numbers 1 to 6

spelling vocabulary test tomorrow

spelling vocabulary page 17

Monday, September 21, 2009

Assignments for Monday 21

1. Grammar - workbook page 19 6 to 12 and page 20 A ( past due )

2. Mathematics - page 19 numbers 1 to 18.

3. Science - page 16 numbers 2-5 and page 17 numbers 8 to 10.

4. Religion - Answer the question on the handout. If you lost the handout. check the note below the assignment listing.

5. Reading summaries ( past due )

6. Writing draft ( past due )

Religion Topic :As Catholics we believe in the trinity. The trinity includes God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They are Male in gender thus the designation Father and Son. In the genesis account however, we read that God created Man in his “image and likeness. Man and Woman he created them.” If we are created in the image and likeness of God then is God male or Female.

Remember: you are judged on your explanation.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Assignments for Wed 16

1. English - page 13 and page 14 A

2. Mathematics page 9 number 22-41

3. Math Quiz multiplication

4. Spellign vocabulary page 15 and 16

5. Reading Posters or powerpoint due Monday on Animal Cruelty

6. Writing complete the "Use your imagination" exercise.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sept 15

English page 10 and 11 b

mathematics page 9 number 7-21

science test tomorrow

science page 9

spelling page 14

writing publish work

Monday, September 14, 2009

Assignments for 14 sept.

1.. Grammar page 7 and 8

2.. Mathematics page 7 workbook

3. Science workbook page 7 and 8

4.. Vocabulary spelling page 12 and 13

5. Writing assignment over the weekend is due tomorrow.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Assignments for september 11 ( we remember)

1. English. - workbook page 4-5

2. Mathematics page 5 to 6 number 2 to 40

3. Science page 5-6 number. 1-7

4. Spelling page 24/25 workshop

5. Religion test on Monday rituals and symbols.

6. Writing complete assignment based on a time you got in trouble.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Assignments for sept 10

1. English workbook page 4 and 5

2. Mathematics workbook page 4 numbers 43 to 60

3. Science page 3

4 spelling workshop page 24 and 25 all questions.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Assignments for 9-9-09

1 mathematics page 2 workbook numbers 32 to 51.

2. Science questions given in class (4) questions related to haleys commet.

3. Scienc workbook page 1 and 2

4. Religion - create a symbol that represents you.

5. Religion - illustrate your personal reflections of heaven and Hell.

6. Grammar workbook page 1 all questions.

7. Writing - complete writing started in class and attach illustration at the back.

Friday, June 12, 2009

assignments for June 12

1. Mathematics page 152/153

2. Spelling page 196

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

assignments for June 2

1. Mathematics - test tomorrow on integers.

2. Mathematics midterm tomorrow

3. Science page 195 workbook

4. Spelling test chapter 29

5. Spelling workbook page 184

Monday, June 01, 2009

Assignments for June 1st

1. english page 120

2. grammar test unit 34

3. Mathematics page 170 numbers 1-5

4. Science page 191

5. Spelling tst unit 28 vocabulary

6. Spelling page 183

7. reading page 192

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Study guide for final

Social Studies
- War of 1812
- Francis Lowell
- Battle of San Juacinto
- West Ward Expansion
- Women in 1800s
- Federick Douglas
- Freedom’s Journal
- Machine Age
- Thomas Edison
- Effect of Electricity
- Rockefeller
- Patents

- What were the major changes in the 1800s to 1900s. What was the benefits and problems.

- Units 25 to 35

- Continental drift
- Plate
- Pangea
- Earthquakes
- What is an ecosystem?
- Types of ecosystems
- Produces, consumers, decomposers
- Mutalism
- Tundra, tigia
- What is a biome?
- Types of biomes

- Fresh and salt water ecosystems
- Ways animals adapt to their environments
- Producers to consumers
- Food chain
- Energy pyramid
- Prepositional phrase
- Dependent/ Independent
- Simple, compound, complex sentences
- Sentence fragments
- Use of hyphens
- Using me/ I correctly
- Commonly confused words

- Describing a game
- Describing a sport
- Describing a person
- Writing a narrative

- Identifying polygons
- Place value, billions through thousandths
- Types of triangles
- Subtracting decimals
- Circumference of circle
- Perimeter
- Types of angles
- Multiplying decimals
- Finding mean( average)
- Decimal to percentage
- Measuring using a ruler/ protractor
- Lines of symmetry
- Constructing angles
- Measuring angles

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Assignments for may 28 th

1. English - page 117

2. Mathemattics - page 168

3. Writing / Art - complete dreamscapes.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ffriday May 22

1. English - test monday

2. Mathematics - page 166

3. Spelling - Page 175

4. Religion - Answer 4 of the essay questions on the review test.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

assignments for thursday 21st

1. english - page 114-115

2. math page 165

3. spelling - pages 166 and 172

4. Religion - test numbers 1-44

5. Chelsea Bank page 94

6. Writing drafts in notebook from compare and contrast exercise.

7. Reading page 178 workbook.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

assignments for May 19

1.english - page 114-115

2. mathematics page 164

3. spelliing and writing assignments past due

Monday, April 27, 2009

assignments for April 27

1. english - pp 103

2. spelling test unit 23 . words form y our workshop.

3. Religion page 63

4. Reading - what is the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Assignments for April 23

1. english - page 101

2. mathematics - page 119 numbers 1-13

3. Religion page 61

4. Vocabulary pp 145

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Assignments for April 22

1. Mathematics page 118 number 1-8 and number 15

2. Science - workbook page 171. use your text.

3. Spelling vocabulary page 145

4. Art - finish your piece.

5. Writing - one day extention .

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Assignments for April 21

1. english test tomorrow ss from april 6

2. math page 117

3. math quiz tomorrow. drawing and reading angles using your protractor.

4. Science - workbook page 167

5. Religion test tomorrow ss from april 6

6. Writing - published copies due tomorrow.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Assignment for Easter Break

Work on project blueprint given for making a model of one of the greatest events or inventions in the 1800-1900's.

extra credit: attend mass during the triduum and bring in the bulletin.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Assignments for April 7

1. english - grammar page 97

2. Mathematics page 113 numbers 10-12

3. Mathematics page 114 numbers 1-15

4. Spelling vocab page 138-139

5. Writing - complete drafts.

6. Science assignment (see yesterday)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Assignments for April 6

1. English workbook page 96

2. Mathematics page 113 number 1-9

3. Science pp text 88-89 numbers 1-25

4. Science workbook page 158

5. Vocabulary Spelling page 134- 135

6. Science Test tomorrow study from the aim of the 24 of March 2009.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April 1st


There IS ALWAYS homework

1. Mathematics - page 142 number 1-9

2. Mathematics - page 143 number 1-6

3. Spelling vocabulary wshop pp 152-153

4. Reading - page 143

5. Writing - rewrite drafts Summary

Friday, March 27, 2009

Assignments for March 27

1. Grammar page 92

2. Mathematics page 139

3. Science page 157 use page c80 of your text.

4. Workshop page 140-147

5. Vocabulary page 129

6. Reading page 137

7. Writing - publish your movie reviews on secret life of bees.

8. Project - Refer to the handout you were given. Due on April 3rd.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Assignments for March 24th

1. Mathematics page 137

2. Science page 149

3. Reading page 132

4. Writing - Finish Personal Narrative ideas page and attach to notebook.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Assignments for March 11th

1. Mathematics page 134

2. Chelsea Bank page 74

3. Writing complete draft

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Assignments for Wednesday 11th

1.Spelling Vocab 124

2. Spelling Workshop 139

3. Religion keywords page 53

4. Reading page 123

5. Art - Finish Art

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Assignments for March 10th

1. English - page 89

2. Grammar test tomorrow

3. Mathematics test tomorrow.

4. Science test tomorrow dd feb 27

5. Spelling vocabulary pages 114-116 and 123

6. Workshop Spelling page 137

7. Social Studies Test tomorrow. dd feb 20th

8. Writing finish publising.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Assignments for March 9th

1. English - page 88

2. mathematics - page 131

3. Reading page 118

Friday, March 06, 2009

Assignments for March 6th

1. English - page 87.

2. Mathematics - page 130.

3. Religion Test on Monday.

4. Saints Project due Monday.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Assignments for March 03

1. English - page 85

2. English test tomorrow.

3. Mathematics workbook page 127 numbers 13-24 and number 38

4. Science workbook page 139

5. Spelling Vocab 112

6. Religion Page 49

Friday, February 27, 2009

Assignments for February 27th

1. English - page 83

2. Science workbook page 135

3. Spelling vocabulary page 111

4. Religion illustrate one of the beatitudes. write the beatitude under the illustration.

5. Reading - answer question on how to make a mummy worksheet.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Assignments for Feb. 26

1. English - page 82

2. Mathematics - page 127

3. Chelsea Bank 66.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Assignments for Feb. 24

1. Grammar page 81

2. Mathematics complete worksheet from yesterday.

3. Science test tomorrow study from the date of Feb 4th

4. Religion Review test. Study from the 5th of January

5. Writing - write the draft of your letter to your teacher to convince me why it is a good idea for the class to raise money for st Jude's children hospital during lent. Remember your best idea should be said last.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Assignments for Feb. 23

1. Mathematics test tomorrow.

2. Complete worksheet.

3. Science workbook page 129

4. Spelling Vocabulary Unit 17

5. Spelling Test tomorrow.

6. Reading page 108 number 1-20

7. Social Studies test tomorrow dd jan 23

8. Social Studies page 40

9. Chelsea Bank page 66

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Assignments for Feb. 19

1. engish page 78

2. Mathematics page 86

3. Writing - finish ads.

4. Reading take one of the proverbs and create your own story. End with the proverb.

5. Chelsea bank page 64

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignments for Feb. 18

1. Grammar page 77

2. Mathematics page 85

3. Spelling page 105 Vocabulary

4. Religion - bring your rosaires to class tomorrow.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Assignments for Feb. 11

1. Grammar page 76

2. Mathematics page 84

3. Religion posters due onthe 18th.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignments for Feb 11th

1. mathematics - page 83 numbers 5-10

2. Science workbook page 1215

3. Religion page 47 keywords.

4. Reading page 103

5. Finish your art project.

Dont forget to work on your religion posters.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Assignments for Feb. 10th

1. Grammar Test tomorrow. Adjectives and Adverbs.

2. Mathematics - page 83 numberss 1-4

3. Science workbook page 125

4. Spelling test tomorrow vocabulary chapter 15

5. Spelling vocabulary page 100

6. Religion page 46

7. Penmanship complete pages 32-33

8. Social Studies study for exam on George washington using notes taken.

9. Writing complete your 2 slogans.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Assignments for Feb 9th.

1. English - page 75

2. Mathematics - page 80

3. Spelling page 99

Continue to work on Your religion posters. They are due on Wednesday the 18th.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Assignments for Feb 6

1. Grammar page 73 and 74

2. Mathematics - Test on Division and Multiplication of Decimals.

3. Continue your research on a culture and the way the Bury the dead. Try to be unique. Create a poster that is due on Wednesday the 18th.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Assignments for Feb 3rd

1. Grammar page 71

2. Mathematics page 304 numb 11-26

3. Science wkbk page 121

4. Religion page 43

5. Art remember your supplies.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Assignments for Feb. 2nd

1. Mathematics page 105

2. Spelling workshop page 125-126

3. Spelling Vocabulary chapter 14 test tomorrow.

4. Religion Page 44 - writing prayer of petition for the sick.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

1. Grammar test tomorrow on Possessive and reflexive pronouns. Know your contractions as well.

2. mathematics page 103 numbers 1-24.

Happy Spirit Day.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assignments for Wed Jan 28th


1. Grammar page 69 and 70

2. MAth test tomorrow on place value , addition, and subtraction of decimals.

3. Spelling workshop page 119-120

4. Spelling test tomorrow from Vocabulary chapter 13 Compound words.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1. Grammar page 68

2. Mathematics page 98

3. Science take home test.

4. Religion test tomorrow study from the date of the 21st of Jan.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignments for Friday January 23

1. Grammar page 67

2. Mathematics page 96 numbers 1-21 and 26-28

3. Spelling workshop page 114-115 and vocabulary page 87

4. Religion workbook page 42 KEY WORDS

5. Penmanship 26-27

6. chelsea bank page 57

7. Reading page 92 numbers 6-10

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Assignments for Thursday Jan 22

1. Mathematics page 95 numbers 1-17 and 24 and 25

2. Chelsea Bank page 57

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Assignments for Wednesday Jan. 21

1. Grammar page 66

2. mathematics page 93 numbers 1-21 and 25-26

3. Spelling Vocabulary page 85, workshop page 108-109

4. Religion page 197 design magazine cover for " jesus the healer' .

5. Reading - what is the newbery award? Who is it named after?

6. Social Studies - Test tomorrow study from the date of Jan 7th 2008.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Assignments for Tuesday 20th

1. Mathematics - page 92

2. Write your summary of the inauguration ceremonies watched this morning.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Assignments for Friday January 16th

1. English - Test on tuesday. Subject and object pronoun and the antecedent.

2. Math - workbook page 91

3. Spelling vocabulary 78-80; workshop 106-107

4. Chelsea Bank - Page 55

5. Notebook Check Social Studies Tuesday.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Assignments for Thursday January 15th

1. mathematics - math test tomorrow on multiplication and division of fractions.

2. Mathematics complete the worksheet.

3. Sacience - complete handout and notebook check tomorrow.

4. Chealsea bank page 55

5. Penmanship - complete pages 24 and 25 .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assignments for Jan 14

1. Religion - Test Tomorrow dated Jan 6

2. Complete Art Project

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Assignments for Jan 13th

1. English - Grammar page 63

2. mathematics - page 76 numbers 1-4

3. Math test multiplying fractions.

4. science workbook page 107

5. Complete penmanship.

6. Reading and Writing Midterm Exams tomorrow.
Your reading and writing assignment will be administered together. Reading will focus on your ability to read and recall information, make judgments, making inferences, identifying sequence.
You will be writing an essay. Go over essay format to ensure that you use the proper organizational tools for writing your essay.
Your exam will also include a penmanship portion. Review your penmanship skills.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Assignments for Frday 9th

Science and Grammar Midterm on Monday. Use the given Guide. You should know the following:

ü Define Cell
ü Parts of a cell .
ü Types of cell
ü What are organs
ü Diagram of Cells
ü What are systems?
ü Diagrams of body systems.
ü Vocabulary of Body systems
ü Sexual and Asexual reproduction
ü Traits; types of
ü Mitosis and Meiosis
ü Life cycles , direct Development

ü What is a sentence?
ü Types of sentences.
ü Simple and compound sentences.
ü Complete subject and complete Predicate
ü Verbs and Verb Phrases.
ü Conjunctions.
ü Possessive nouns
ü Forms of the verb “be”
ü Contractions
ü Present, past and future tense of verbs.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Assignments for January 7th

1. english - page 62

2. math - page 74

3. Science Test tomorrow studey from the date of the 2nd DEC 08.

4. Spelling - Use words in the notebook to complete page 76 Vocabulary.

5. Art - Complete your art

Monday, January 05, 2009

Assignments for Dec 5

1. English – page 61 workbook

2. Mathematics – page 72

3. Spelling Vocab page 73

4. Spelling Workshop page 98-99

5. Religion. What are the seven deadly sins. Give a brief description of each . On loose leaf.

6. Reading – page 72 workbook

7. Music – two paragraphs on Martin Luther King.

8. Social Studies – test tomorrow dated 16 decemeber 2008.

Here is your Midterm Study guide. Midterms start Friday.

St Nicholas of Tolentine Elementary Mr. Thomas
5th Grade Midterm Study Guide

The following is your study guide for midterm examinations. There are no “extra” copies. Use this as your guide to ensure that you are fully prepared for exams.

Ø Know the following vocabulary words: Paschal Mystery, corporal. Spiritual, apostles, neophyte, catechumenate, liturgy, kingdom of God.
Ø What are the sacraments of Initiation?
Ø What are the sacraments?
Ø Baptism. Signs and symbols. What does the sacrament do for us?
Ø What is the incarnation?
Ø Who baptized Jesus and where?
Ø Symbols of water used in the bible.
Ø Confirmation. Signs and symbols. What does the sacrament do for us?
Ø What is RCIA?
Ø What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Ø What is the difference between the corporal and spiritual gifts of mercy? Name them.
Ø Eucharist. Signs and symbols. What does the sacrament do for us?
Ø Penance. Signs and symbols. What does the sacrament do for us?
Ø What do we mean when we say the Eucharist is a meal, sacrifice, and a memorial?
Ø What are the main parts of the mass?
Ø Different ways that people serve the church in worship.
Ø What is prayer?
Ø What is transubstantiation?
Ø Ways that the church carries out the mission of Jesus.

ü Place value of whole numbers through billions
ü Place value of whole numbers through thousandths
ü Addition and subtraction of three digit numbers.
ü Properties of addition and subtraction.
ü Division: whole numbers by decimals.
ü Order of Operations.
ü Division by one and two digit divisors
ü Greatest common factors
ü Lowest common denominator
ü Fractions to mixed Numbers.

Vocabulary/Spelling. – Review Units one through 16
Pay more attention to the following units:
Ø Spelling I and o ( unit3)
Ø Homophones ( unit 10 )
Ø Cumulative ( unit 12)

ü Define Cell
ü Parts of a cell .
ü Types of cell
ü What are organs
ü Diagram of Cells
ü What are systems?
ü Diagrams of body systems.
ü Vocabulary of Body systems
ü Sexual and Asexual reproduction
ü Traits; types of
ü Mitosis and Meiosis
ü Life cycles , direct Development

Social Studies

Ø Route of Nomadic tribes from Asia to the Americas
Ø Europe in the 1300’s. Cathedrals designs, black death
Ø Building that Native Americans lived in. Reasons for their design.
Ø The mayflower compact
Ø Life in New England colony.
Ø Who was banished from the New England colony and why?
Ø Representative Democracy.
Ø House of Burgess.
Ø Slave vs. indentured servants.
Ø What is a plantation?
Ø Bread Basket colonies: what was it? Who lived there? What was life like? What jobs did they have? How were boys and girls educated?

Your reading and writing assignment will be administered together. Reading will focus on your ability to read and recall information, make judgments, making inferences, identifying sequence.
You will be writing an essay. Go over essay format to ensure that you use the proper organizational tools for writing your essay.
Your exam will also include a penmanship portion. Review your penmanship skills.

ü What is a sentence?
ü Types of sentences.
ü Simple and compound sentences.
ü Complete subject and complete Predicate
ü Verbs and Verb Phrases.
ü Conjunctions.
ü Possessive nouns
ü Forms of the verb “be”
ü Contractions
ü Present, past and future tense of verbs.