Monday, November 24, 2008

Assignments for Nov 24th

1. Page 47 grammar

2. mathematics - page 52 number 1-16

3. Science. Redo if i have not gotten to yours yet. Make appropriate changes to project. I will hear the rest of them tomorrow.

4. Spelling Vocabulary page 55.

5. Writing - Work on Essay

Hint: go over additionand subtraction with like and unlike denominators.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Assignments for November 21

1. English - page 46

2. Mathematics page 51 ( answer all remaining questions. )

3. Religion page 28 in workbook

4. Science - project due monday. What happens to water .......

5. Reading workbook page 53

6. Writing Complete the essay in the handout. The essay is due on Wednesday. Ensure that you follow directions given.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Assignments for November 20th

1. Mathematics page 51 numbers 1-5, 16-18, and 20

2. Science Test tomorrow study from the date of nov 17th.

3. Spelling test tomorrow chapter 7 both spelling and workshop.

4. Religion. Based on the part of the film we watched in class on Moses. You will write of two parts in the film and which sacrament they remind you off. Explain why they remind you of that sacrament.

5. Social Studies page 20 workbook. Use text to complete the page correctly.

6. Social Studies test tomorrow study from the date of November 10.Th

7. Religion test tomorrow. study from the date of Nov 12Th.

8. Writing - write draft of your expository essay using your notes from class.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Assignments for November 19th

1. science project due monday. Create a poster that illustrates what happens to water after it leaves your:

1. toilet
2. sink
3. driveway

Choose only ONE of the above.

2. science workbook page 65, 69, 70

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Assignments for November 18th

1. Mathematics test tomorrow. review from the date of October 31.

2. Writing - Using notes from today write a summary. List the individual, their sin and the symbol of that sin. Then explain why we chose that symbol. ( you should have been listening to do that ) .

3. Writing - Write your own ending to the story. Be sure that your ending shows the four steps to reconciliation.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Assignmetns for Monday 17th

1. Grammar page 44 and 45

2. mathematics page 48 numbers 21 to 33

3. Social studies workbook page 18 numbers 1-4 only.

4. Grammar test tomorrow. the simple Tense

Friday, November 14, 2008

Assignments for Nov 14th

1. English - page 43

2. mathematics - page 47

3. Religion page 25 and page 26 KEY WORDS.

4. Vocabulary workshop page 60-61

5. Vocabulary Spelling page 52.

6. Vocabulary use your notes from the reading to coomplete Handout.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Assignments for Nov 10th

1. English - Owrkbook pages 41 and 42

2. Mathematics - Page 46

3. Vocabulary page 49

Friday, November 07, 2008

Assignments for Nov. 7

1. English - Grammar take home test.

2. MAth page 45

3. REligion Test on Monday from aim of Nov 3rd.

4. Social Studies take home test.

If you were absent and you need the take home exams send me an email to and i will email you the exam which you can print out, complete and return to me.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Assignments for Nov. 6

1. English - page 4

2. Reading - Chelsea Bank Math Link 3 and 4.

3. Science Test tomorrow . Study from aim of October 24

4. Religion - Complete worksheet.

5. Mathematics - page 44 in the workbook

6. Social Studies - Test tomorrow. Study from the date of 20th October.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Assignment for November 4th

1. mathematics - page 43

2. Spelling workshop test Unit 6

You should be reviewing your 4th grade social studies notes to help refresh your memory for your social studies exam part one on wednesday next week.

Report Cards will be distributed on Thursday. In previous years it was done from 12-6. However, changes in archdiocease guidelines only permit distribution from 3 - 6 . Therefore you must make an appointment or stop by during that time to recieve the report card.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Assignment for November 3rd

1. English - page 39 workbook

2. English Test tomorrow. Verb phrases and contractions.

3. Mathematics - workbook page 42

4. Religion - workbook page 22. ( you need to text to complete it properly)

5. Social Studies - page 14

6. Reading folders due tomorrow.