Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Exam Schedule and Review

Mr. Thomas Grade Five 312
Schedule for Exams

Thursday Religion / Reading and Writing

Friday Mathematics / Grammar

Monday Science / spelling

Tuesday Social Studies

Social Studies
- War of 1812
- Francis Lowell
- Battle of San Juacinto
- West Ward Expansion
- Women in 1800s
- Federick Douglas
- Freedom’s Journal
- Machine Age
- Thomas Edison
- Effect of Electricity
- Rockefeller
- Patents

- What were the major changes in the 1800s to 1900s. What was the benefits and problems.

- Units 25 to 35

- Continental drift
- Plate
- Pangea
- Earthquakes
- What is an ecosystem?
- Types of ecosystems
- Produces, consumers, decomposers
- Mutalism
- Tundra, tigia
- What is a biome?
- Types of biomes

- Fresh and salt water ecosystems
- Ways animals adapt to their environments
- Producers to consumers
- Food chain
- Energy pyramid
- Prepositional phrase
- Dependent/ Independent
- Simple, compound, complex sentences
- Sentence fragments
- Use of hyphens
- Using me/ I correctly
- Commonly confused words

- Describing a game
- Describing a sport
- Describing a person
- Writing a narrative

- Identifying polygons
- Place value, billions through thousandths
- Types of triangles
- Subtracting decimals
- Circumference of circle
- Perimeter
- Types of angles
- Multiplying decimals
- Finding mean( average)
- Decimal to percentage
- Measuring using a ruler/ protractor
- Lines of symmetry
- Constructing angles
- Measuring angles