Monday, December 18, 2006

Assignments for Monday Dec 8

1. English - Grammar page 121-122-123

2. Watch History channel if available in your area for a show tonight on Judas Iscariot. Check listing in your area for availability.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Assignments for Friday the 15th of December

1. English - Workbook page 118-119-120B

2. Mathematics - Workbook page 41 numbers 1-13

3. Science - Research a famous hurricane or tornado. ( do not include Katrina or Andrew). Write a report include bibliography.

4. Spelling - Vocabulary page 71 ( test on Monday )

5. Spelling - Workshop - pages 114-116

6. Religion - what is the litany of saints? write or past a copy in your notebook.

7. Religion - Illustrate the sacrament of holy orders. Be ready to explain your illustration.

8. Social Studies - complete worksheet

9. Social studies test . Use the study guide to help you prepare.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Assignments for Thursday the 14

1. English - Workbook pages 115 116 and 117A

2. Religion - Find out who the cardinal of new york is and write a brief bio to be handed in. Include bibliography of source or sources.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


1. Grammar page 112-113

2. Math - Page 123 21-28 and 125 16-20 ( text)

3. Spelling - Workshop 111-116 and quiz on unit 7, 8, 9

4. Spanish - Quiz collected tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Assignments for Tuesday 12

1. Mathematics - page 39 of the workbook.

2. Reading - Text book page 233. Do one of the two choices. either the newspaper or the poem. Be ready to present.

3. Do any group work that your group have delegated to you.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Assignments for Thursday 7th

1. Mathematics - page 10-11

Text page 94 on lose leaf

2. Religion Test tomorrow.

3. Reading pate 227-231. Answer questions on page 232 on loose lea. Expect oral quiz on selections.

4. Math quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Assignments for Wednesday 6th

1. English - Grammar workbook page 103-104-105-106-107

2. Spelling Vocabulary pages 67-70.

3. Religion - Illustrate or get a photo from a magazine that one might not ordinarily associate with the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. Be ready to explain how such a photo could show the healing that is manifested in the sacrament of the Anointing of the sick. Do not associate it with Extreme Unction.

4. Spanish - Pages 128 B, 129 A, 129 A on loose leaf. Project due Dec 13.

5. It has come to my attention that more than 50% of you are failing Spanish. I expect this to change by next week Friday. IF those numbers do not improve you will spend the time catching up on Saturday of next week.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Assignments for Tuesday the 5th December

1. Mathematics - Page 9 of the workbook. Answer all questions.

2. Spelling - Workshop Page 94-97.

3. Spelling workshop Quiz on the words and definitions in chapters 8 and 7 .

4. Spanish - page 103 B numbers 1-10.

5. Spanish _ Quiz Tomorrow.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Assignments for MOnday 4th December

1. Mathematics - Page 8 in the workbook.

2. Science - Test tomorrow. Review your notes.

3. Spelling Vocabulary - Test tomorrow and complete page 65.
Spelling Workshop - Oral quiz tomorrow and complete Page 90

4. Religion - Research a case of Demonic possession. Get ready to share with the class.

5. Spanish - Test tomorrow . 3 signed corrections. Vocabulary page 134 in Notebook. Quiz on Wednesday. Project due December 13th.

Friday, December 01, 2006

assignments for Dec 1

1.grammar-wk bk pages 163,104,105a 339 on loose leaf watch local weather

3.spelling-unit 4 workshop 86-89 ( watch the local weather on channel 2,4 or 7. Note for the mentioning of the Jet stream and its effect on the coming week's weather patterns. )

4.Research - Final paper due on Monday - Crime and Punishment.