Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27th

english - page 80

mathematics page 69-70

science page 69-70

spelling test unit 1-5

spelling test unit 7

penmanship- worksheet

Music research paper due Monday

Science research paper on John torrington due friday

Social Studies - create a propaganda cartoon by picking a side of either the loyalists or the patriots during the revolutionary war.

Social Studies paper due monday - Research the weapons used in the revolutionary war. Choose one weapon and write a research paper on that weapon. Be sure to include your bibliography.

Social Studies - Worksheet on International Geography due Friday.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Assignments for Tuesday

english - page 77A / 78A and B

mathematics - page 67- 68

science - page 67-68

science - take home quiz

Spelling vocabulary test on units 1-5. All words including challenge words.

Writing - finish descriptive writing.

Research paper due friday. - research the name JOhn Torrington. In your paper tell who he was , what happened to him, and explain why he is important in terms of science. Remember you need a separate page for bibliograpy that list all sources you you read to gather information.

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25th

mathematics - page 66

Science page 65-66

Finish penmanship

Vocabulary page 53

Music - Biographies due monday

Social Stuides Test tomorrow.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

English test Monday

Math page 63/64

Science page 63/64

Religion presentation and test Monday

Social studies get an example of propangda.

Reading test Monday.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Assignments for Wed

English- page 70,71, 72a

Math- Take home test

Science- pages 61-62

Spelling- page 44

Reading- handouT


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Assignments for Tuesday 19th

grammar page 70-71

mathematics take home test

science page 61-62

reading take home test.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Assignments for Monday

Grammaar- 67, 68A, 69A

Math Test part 2 tomorrow

Math Test part 1 - take home

Religion - find out what 5 decades make up the joyful, sorrowful, glorious, and light mysteries of the Rosary.

Writing - 2nd Drafts are due tomorrow for writing class.

Thanks to all who completed their projects and handed them in. Special Congratulations to Diahanna, Yoselyn, Sabyne, Alberto, Abdul and the others who did an outstanding job.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 14

english page 62-63A

mathematics page 49-50

science page 51-53

Religion Test

vocab workshop test tomorrow

Writing Complete rewrite

Project due on the 18th

Itbs continues tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Assignments for Wed

english - page 59/60A

mathematics page 45 in TEXT 1-6. on LOOSE LEAF. you must CHECK each answer.

Vocabulary test tomorrow

Workshop test tomorrow

Religion Test tomorrow

Project due the 18th

Writing complete draft and title

Social Studies test tomorrow.

ITbs Testing continues tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

October 5th

english page 49 B , 50, 51A

mathematics page 43, 44

Science pp 44, 45, 48

Science Test tomorrow

Spelling Vocabulary Test.

Project due the 18th

Monday, October 04, 2010

October 4th Assignments

English - page 47

English workshet

mathematics page 41-42

Science pp 42 ( 2-4) , and page 43 ( 5, 6, 8)

Spelling workshop page 47-48

Project due the 18th .