Friday, October 31, 2008

Assignments for HALLOWEEN.

1. English- Page 38

2. Mathematics - Page 41

3. Reading - Write a summary using the notes that you took from the video on "Halloween".

4. Writing - Take home exam. Read and write clearly. think of your answers. Write them on a separate paper. Read aloud and see if it sounds right. Ask someone . Then write your responses in.

Happy Halloween
and Happy Birthday to my Mom. ( r.i.p)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Assignments for October 30

1. Grammar page 37

2. Mathematics - test tomorrow. study from date of october 16th

3. Religion text page 104 questions one through 10.

4. Religion test tomorrow. on the sacrament of Confirmation.

4. Reading - Read contents of folder. Be ready to answer questions based on the 5w's.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Assignments for October 29

Grammar page 36

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Assignments for October 28

1. English - Page 34.

2. English Test tomrorrow . study from october 22nd 2008

3. Mathematics - page 28

4. Science - WB51

5. Spelling - Page 44 Vocabulary.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Assignments for 24th Oct

1. Grammar page 32

2. Mathematics page 31

3. Science page WB47

4. Social Studies use the document and do . First answer the questions. second write a summary of each document. Third write your summary skipping lines.

5. Writing - drafts on Raindrops essay past due.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Assignments for 23rd.

1. Mathematics - page 30

2. Writing - drafts due tomorrow. Raindrop narrative.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Assignments for Wednesday October 22nd

1. Grammar - page 31

2. Science - Test tomorrow . Aim of 15Th October 2008

3. Spelling - Vocabulary workshop test on words from chapter 1 to chapter 5

4. Reading - Page 42

5. Chelsea Bank. Go to the ASSESSMENT TAB and do page 3 and 4 .

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Assignments for Tuesday 21st.

1. Mathematics page 29

2. Spelling workshop page 49

3. Spelling vocabulary page 37

4. Religion test tomorrow . Review from the aim of the 15th of October.

5. Science Test this week start reviewing plant processes.

6. Art. - Remember to bring in your supplies.

7. Reading page 40 numbers 6 through 10

Monday, October 20, 2008

Assignments for Monday 20th

1. English - grammar workbook page 29 and 30

2. Mathematics - page 28

3. Spelling - workshop page 46-47

4. Spelling Unit 4 both books tomorrow.

5. Music - Complete worksheet.

6. Reading - page 40 numbers 6 - 10

Friday, October 17, 2008

Assignments for Friday 17th

1. English - page 28

2. Mathematics - Page 27

3. Science WB 37

4. Spelling page 34 Vocabulary 1-10

5. Spelling workshop pages 42-43

6. Religion - complete take home test.

7. Writing - complete superhero essay .

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Assignments for Thursday 16th

1. Grammar - workbook page 27

2. mathematics - page 26

3. science workbook page WB 37.

4. Religion - page 17 KEYWORDS

5. Writing - Rewrite narrative on loose leaf with new paragraph added. Skip lines.

Note: Reading of Twilight starts tomorrow. Schedule has been moved up.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Assignments for Wednesday the 15th

Writing - if you were a superhero what powers would you have? what would your unique name be? Explain why you chose the powers you did.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Assignments for Tuesday the 14th

1. English page 26

2. Science page 33

3. vocabulary book page 33 all questions

4. Social Studies test tomorrow.

5. Reading test tomorrow.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Assignments for October 10th

1. Grammar page 24

2. Grammar test aim from october 3, 2008

3. Mathematics test aim from Sept 22

4. Science test aim from Sept 30th

5. Spelling Vocabulary page 31 numbers 1-20

6. Reading page 33

7. Social Studies Test aim from October 6th.

Reminder: purchase the book "twilight" as soon as you can. We may begin the reading sometime after the 15th . The latest date is the 30th.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Assignments for October 7th

1. Grammar page 23

2. mathematics - page 23

3. Science workbook page 19

4. Spelling page 32 workshop

Progress reports will be distributed tomorrow to students. If i student does not receive a progress report a conference is necessary. If you receive the report and want to talk to me about any issues you can email me or call to make an appointment.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Assignments for Monday October 26th

1. Grammar - page 21 and 22

2. Grammar test tomorrow study from aim of sept 29th

3. Spelling test unit 3 tomorrow.

4. Vocabulary workshop page 28

5. Writing - page 7 - Chelsea Bank.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Assignments for October 3

1. English - grammar page 19

2. Spelling Vocabulary page 28

3. Spelling workshop page 29

4. Religion Key words page 14

5. Writing page 7 chelsea bank

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Assignments for Oct. 2

1. Mathematics - page 21

2. Religion page 13

3. Penmanship page 8-9

4. Social Studies - rewrite your essay. use loose leaf and skip lines. Unit 4 essay.

5. Writing - page 7 workbook chelsea bank .