Monday, March 31, 2008

Assignments for March 31st

1. English - Grammar workbook page 99

2. Mathematics - workbook page 160

3. Spelling pages 182-183

4. Unit 28 test tomorrow Spelling.

5. Religion workbook page 55

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Assignments for march 19th

1. English- page 98

2. Mathematics - page 159

3. Spelling - Test unit 28

4. Social Studies - projects due on the 31st.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Assignments for March 18th

1. Grammar page 97

2. Mathematics page 158

3. Science. Please complete worksheet.

4. Social Studies test tomorrow. study from the date of the 12Th of march 2008.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Assignments for Monday 17th

1. Grammar page 96

2. Mathematics - page 157

3. Spelling - page 176-177

4. Reading - page 122

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday March 14th

1. English - Grammar Test Monday

2. Reading - Chelsea Bank Test Rescheduled for Monday.

3. Math workbook page 156

4. Reading workbook page 118

5. Social Studies - Page 47 workbook.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Assignments for Mar 13

1. English - Grammar page 92

2. Spelling Test tomorrow.

3. Religion page 53

4. Reading Episode 3 Chelsea Bank Test

5. Reading Workbook page 113-116

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Assignments for Mar 12

1. Reading Assignment page 111 and 112

2. Social Studies TEst tomorrow

3. Spelling workbook page 172

4. Math Test tomorrow

5. English workbook page 91

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Assignment for March 7

1. English - Grammar Test tomorrow.

2. Mathematics - page 130 workbook.

3. Spelling - Unit 26 Test

4. Religion - Test on monday . Review from aim of the 3rd of March

5. Writing - famous women reseach due monday.

6. Reading - page 107

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Assignments for Mar 6

1. English - workbook page 89-90

2. Mathematics - workbook page 131

3. Writing - research on famous women in celebration of Women's history Month. Due Monday .

4. Reading - workbook page 105 - 106

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Assignments for Mar 5

1. Math page 129 wkbk.

2. Spelling page 167 Seal only !

3. Religion wkbk page 50

4. Reading page 108

Monday, March 03, 2008

Assignment for Mar 3

1. English - grammar page 86

2. Mathematics - workbook page 127 numbers 1-12

3. Spelling - page 165

4. Religion - workbook page 49