Welcome students and parents of Seventh Grade.This blog will assist in ensuring that assigments are correctly copied in times of doubt. It will also assist parents in keeping up with what is going on in class and ensuring that work is done correctly and handed in on time. It is NOT a subsitute for assignment pads, as they are days assignments will NOT be posted to the blog.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Your assignment is:
- Bring in one copy of the newspaper. Either New York Times, post, or Daily news. Can be any copy of the paper from over the holidays.
- Bring in one copy of your favorite magazine. IF you do not have one take yourself to a magazine or newstand and browse untill you find one that matches your interest.
Have both with you the first day of school, which is the 5th of January.
Happy Kwanza
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Mr. Thomas
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Assignments for December 18th
2. Grammar workbook page 59-60
3. mathematics - page 69 numbers 1-12 and 17-18.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Assignments for December 17th
2. mathematics workbook page 68
3. Spelling vocabulary page 69
4. Religion page 35 keywords
5. Penmanship finish page 19-20
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Assignments for December 15th.
2. Mathematics - page 66 numbers 3-23
3. Science Test tomorrow study from the date of december 2nd.
4. Spelling test chapter 9 in Both Books
5. Religion Page 34 in workbook.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Assignments for Thursday Dec 11
2. mathematics page 64 number 1-12 and 22-24
3. Writing Finish the Boxes.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Assignments for Dec 9th
2. English Test tomorrow. study from the aim of Dec 3
3. Math test tomorrow. study from the aim of the 2oth of Nov.
4. Reading - Page 63
5. Social Studies. Study from the aim of Nov 24th
Monday, December 08, 2008
Assignments for Monday Dec 8th
2. Spelling page 76-78 workshop
3. Religion test tomorrow. study from the aim of December 2nd.
4. Reading - page 62 workbook.
5. Social Studies Test tomorrow - study from the date of nov. 24th.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Assignments for Friday Dec 5th
2. mathematics page 57
3. science page 83
4. Spelling page 76-78 workshop
5. Religion page 33
If you did not bring in a cereal box be sure that you bring in a COVERED one on monday. This is part of a project . Failure to complete will result in a No Credit grade.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Assignments for December 3rd
2. mathematics - workbook page 55
3. Science workbook page 79
4. Spelling 76-78 workshop
5. Writing - Bring in an empty cereal box by Friday Morning.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Assignments for December 2
2. Mathematics - workbook page 54 numbers 11-20
3. Science page 75
4. Spelling page 69-75
5. Religion Test tomorrow. Study from the date of Nov 21st.
6. Workbook page 31 Religion
Grammar workbook page 52
Monday, November 24, 2008
Assignments for Nov 24th
2. mathematics - page 52 number 1-16
3. Science. Redo if i have not gotten to yours yet. Make appropriate changes to project. I will hear the rest of them tomorrow.
4. Spelling Vocabulary page 55.
5. Writing - Work on Essay
Hint: go over additionand subtraction with like and unlike denominators.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Assignments for November 21
2. Mathematics page 51 ( answer all remaining questions. )
3. Religion page 28 in workbook
4. Science - project due monday. What happens to water .......
5. Reading workbook page 53
6. Writing Complete the essay in the handout. The essay is due on Wednesday. Ensure that you follow directions given.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Assignments for November 20th
2. Science Test tomorrow study from the date of nov 17th.
3. Spelling test tomorrow chapter 7 both spelling and workshop.
4. Religion. Based on the part of the film we watched in class on Moses. You will write of two parts in the film and which sacrament they remind you off. Explain why they remind you of that sacrament.
5. Social Studies page 20 workbook. Use text to complete the page correctly.
6. Social Studies test tomorrow study from the date of November 10.Th
7. Religion test tomorrow. study from the date of Nov 12Th.
8. Writing - write draft of your expository essay using your notes from class.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Assignments for November 19th
1. toilet
2. sink
3. driveway
Choose only ONE of the above.
2. science workbook page 65, 69, 70
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Assignments for November 18th
2. Writing - Using notes from today write a summary. List the individual, their sin and the symbol of that sin. Then explain why we chose that symbol. ( you should have been listening to do that ) .
3. Writing - Write your own ending to the story. Be sure that your ending shows the four steps to reconciliation.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Assignmetns for Monday 17th
2. mathematics page 48 numbers 21 to 33
3. Social studies workbook page 18 numbers 1-4 only.
4. Grammar test tomorrow. the simple Tense
Friday, November 14, 2008
Assignments for Nov 14th
2. mathematics - page 47
3. Religion page 25 and page 26 KEY WORDS.
4. Vocabulary workshop page 60-61
5. Vocabulary Spelling page 52.
6. Vocabulary use your notes from the reading to coomplete Handout.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Assignments for Nov 10th
2. Mathematics - Page 46
3. Vocabulary page 49
Friday, November 07, 2008
Assignments for Nov. 7
2. MAth page 45
3. REligion Test on Monday from aim of Nov 3rd.
4. Social Studies take home test.
If you were absent and you need the take home exams send me an email to mrthomassaintnick@gmail.com and i will email you the exam which you can print out, complete and return to me.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Assignments for Nov. 6
2. Reading - Chelsea Bank Math Link 3 and 4.
3. Science Test tomorrow . Study from aim of October 24
4. Religion - Complete worksheet.
5. Mathematics - page 44 in the workbook
6. Social Studies - Test tomorrow. Study from the date of 20th October.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Assignment for November 4th
2. Spelling workshop test Unit 6
You should be reviewing your 4th grade social studies notes to help refresh your memory for your social studies exam part one on wednesday next week.
Report Cards will be distributed on Thursday. In previous years it was done from 12-6. However, changes in archdiocease guidelines only permit distribution from 3 - 6 . Therefore you must make an appointment or stop by during that time to recieve the report card.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Assignment for November 3rd
2. English Test tomorrow. Verb phrases and contractions.
3. Mathematics - workbook page 42
4. Religion - workbook page 22. ( you need to text to complete it properly)
5. Social Studies - page 14
6. Reading folders due tomorrow.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Assignments for HALLOWEEN.
2. Mathematics - Page 41
3. Reading - Write a summary using the notes that you took from the video on "Halloween".
4. Writing - Take home exam. Read and write clearly. think of your answers. Write them on a separate paper. Read aloud and see if it sounds right. Ask someone . Then write your responses in.
Happy Halloween
and Happy Birthday to my Mom. ( r.i.p)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Assignments for October 30
2. Mathematics - test tomorrow. study from date of october 16th
3. Religion text page 104 questions one through 10.
4. Religion test tomorrow. on the sacrament of Confirmation.
4. Reading - Read contents of folder. Be ready to answer questions based on the 5w's.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Assignments for October 28
2. English Test tomrorrow . study from october 22nd 2008
3. Mathematics - page 28
4. Science - WB51
5. Spelling - Page 44 Vocabulary.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Assignments for 24th Oct
2. Mathematics page 31
3. Science page WB47
4. Social Studies use the document and do . First answer the questions. second write a summary of each document. Third write your summary skipping lines.
5. Writing - drafts on Raindrops essay past due.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Assignments for Wednesday October 22nd
2. Science - Test tomorrow . Aim of 15Th October 2008
3. Spelling - Vocabulary workshop test on words from chapter 1 to chapter 5
4. Reading - Page 42
5. Chelsea Bank. Go to the ASSESSMENT TAB and do page 3 and 4 .
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Assignments for Tuesday 21st.
2. Spelling workshop page 49
3. Spelling vocabulary page 37
4. Religion test tomorrow . Review from the aim of the 15th of October.
5. Science Test this week start reviewing plant processes.
6. Art. - Remember to bring in your supplies.
7. Reading page 40 numbers 6 through 10
Monday, October 20, 2008
Assignments for Monday 20th
2. Mathematics - page 28
3. Spelling - workshop page 46-47
4. Spelling Unit 4 both books tomorrow.
5. Music - Complete worksheet.
6. Reading - page 40 numbers 6 - 10
Friday, October 17, 2008
Assignments for Friday 17th
2. Mathematics - Page 27
3. Science WB 37
4. Spelling page 34 Vocabulary 1-10
5. Spelling workshop pages 42-43
6. Religion - complete take home test.
7. Writing - complete superhero essay .
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Assignments for Thursday 16th
2. mathematics - page 26
3. science workbook page WB 37.
4. Religion - page 17 KEYWORDS
5. Writing - Rewrite narrative on loose leaf with new paragraph added. Skip lines.
Note: Reading of Twilight starts tomorrow. Schedule has been moved up.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Assignments for Wednesday the 15th
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Assignments for Tuesday the 14th
2. Science page 33
3. vocabulary book page 33 all questions
4. Social Studies test tomorrow.
5. Reading test tomorrow.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Assignments for October 10th
2. Grammar test aim from october 3, 2008
3. Mathematics test aim from Sept 22
4. Science test aim from Sept 30th
5. Spelling Vocabulary page 31 numbers 1-20
6. Reading page 33
7. Social Studies Test aim from October 6th.
Reminder: purchase the book "twilight" as soon as you can. We may begin the reading sometime after the 15th . The latest date is the 30th.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Assignments for October 7th
2. mathematics - page 23
3. Science workbook page 19
4. Spelling page 32 workshop
Progress reports will be distributed tomorrow to students. If i student does not receive a progress report a conference is necessary. If you receive the report and want to talk to me about any issues you can email me or call to make an appointment. mrthomassaintnick@gmail.com
Monday, October 06, 2008
Assignments for Monday October 26th
2. Grammar test tomorrow study from aim of sept 29th
3. Spelling test unit 3 tomorrow.
4. Vocabulary workshop page 28
5. Writing - page 7 - Chelsea Bank.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Assignments for October 3
2. Spelling Vocabulary page 28
3. Spelling workshop page 29
4. Religion Key words page 14
5. Writing page 7 chelsea bank
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Assignments for Oct. 2
2. Religion page 13
3. Penmanship page 8-9
4. Social Studies - rewrite your essay. use loose leaf and skip lines. Unit 4 essay.
5. Writing - page 7 workbook chelsea bank .
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Assignments for Sept 30th
2. Math - page 19
3. Vocab - page 27 numbers 1-25
4. Test tomorrow Religion . study from the aim of the 25th of September.
5. Penmanship finish up pages 8-9
6. Reading - page 23 numbers 1-4
Monday, September 29, 2008
Assignments for Sept 29th
2. Mathematics - page 18 numbers 1-15, 26-28, 21-23.
3. Religion - workbook page 10
4. Writing - chelsea bank mathlinks one and two .
Friday, September 26, 2008
Assignments for Sept 26
2. Reading - page 22 1-15. use the word list and definitions in your reading notebook.
3. Social Studies - Use DBQ to complete 1. summary of each document 2. draft of essay
4. Writing - Create a poster that shows a bank's products and services. you may visit a local branch and get information or you may go online. Be ready to present to the class.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Assignments for Sept 25th
2. Mathematics - workbook page 16
3. Grammar test tomorrow. Predicates and Simple predicates/verbs.
4. Religion key word exercise page 11
5. Social Studies - rewrite essay on loose leaf. skip lines and use your best penmanship.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Assignments for Sept 23
2. Mathematics - page 15 numbers 7-26
3. Spelling - test on Unit 2 both books.
4. Social Studies summarize the documents.
5. Reading page 20
Monday, September 22, 2008
Assignments for Sept 22
2. Mathematics – page 15 numbers 1-6 and 27-29
3. Science – test on skeletal system .
4. Spelling VOCABULARY page 22. Use your notebook with the definitions to assist you.
5. Religion Test tomorrow. Notes from September 15th
6. Reading page 20 workbook.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Assignments for Friday 18th
2. Science - Excreatory system test
3. Spelling vocab page 20
4. spelling vocab page 21 - writing application.
5. Religion - illustrate a corporal or spiritual work of mercy. Be ready to explain.
6. Reading - page 17( setting)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Assignments for Thursday 18th
2. Social Studies - work on 1. summarizing each document and 2. draft your essay. Remember to skip lines when writing the essay. Pay attention to the comments from your last graded essay to ensure you do not make the same mistakes again.
3. Writing - Complete handout.
4. Other - Return Emergency cards and signed pages 32, 33 and 34 of the handbook only.
Note: if you are interested in tutoring twice a week in the afternoons or want your child to be tested please email me and let me know or send in a note. My email is mrthomassaintnick@gmail.com .
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Assignments for Wed Sept 17
2. Math - workbook page 12
3. Science - Test tomorrow
4. Science - workbook page 9
5. Spelling - workshop page 22
6. Spelling - vocabulary page 19
7. Religion - Illustrate representation of the church . e.g the vine. You must be original and be ready to explain your illustration. This is a graded exercise.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Assignments for September 16th
2. Grammar test tomorrow. Review Simple and Complete subjects . Compound subjects.
3. Science Test tomorrow. Focus : Cells
4. Spelling workshop page 21 ( blue book)
5. Test tomorrow. Review chapter one of both units.
6. Reading page 12 numbers 1-10. Use Vocabulary from your reading notes to assist.
7. Penmanship page 5 .
8. mathematics page 11
Monday, September 15, 2008
Assignments for Sept 15th
2. Mathematics - workbook page 10
3. Religion - workbook page 7
4. Spelling - Vocabulary page 16 use notebook with definitions to assist you.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Assignments for Sept. 12
2. Math page 9 workbook
3. Spelling - page 15 vocabulary book NOT WORKSHOP
4. Reading - workbook page 5
5. Math Quiz on MONDAY
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Assignments for Sept. 11
2. Religion Test tomorrow. study from the 5th of sept.
3. Social Studies - complete notes and Essay.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Assignments for Sept 10th
2. Mathematics page 7
3. Religion page 5 KEY WORDS only
4. Writing - Rewrite essay on your invention in your best penmanship. Skip every other line. Attach illustration of your inventionat the back of your essay.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Assignments for Sept 9th
2. Science - page 5
3. Social Studies - Documents 1, 2, 3, and 4
Monday, September 08, 2008
Assignments for Spetember 8th
2. English - Pages 4 and 5
3. Spelling - Test Tomrorrow Workshop words Unit 1
4. Spelling - page 13 number 5-20 ( vocabulary)
5. Reading page 2 in workbook.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Assignments for Sept 4th
2. Math - complete worksheet.
3. Spelling page 15 and 16 in workshop.
If there are any transportation forms that need to be returned do so by the end of the week. Failure to do that will result in late issue of metrocard or inability to ride the yellow bus.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Exam Schedule and Review
Schedule for Exams
Thursday Religion / Reading and Writing
Friday Mathematics / Grammar
Monday Science / spelling
Tuesday Social Studies
Social Studies
- War of 1812
- Francis Lowell
- Battle of San Juacinto
- West Ward Expansion
- Women in 1800s
- Federick Douglas
- Freedom’s Journal
- Machine Age
- Thomas Edison
- Effect of Electricity
- Rockefeller
- Patents
- What were the major changes in the 1800s to 1900s. What was the benefits and problems.
- Units 25 to 35
- Continental drift
- Plate
- Pangea
- Earthquakes
- What is an ecosystem?
- Types of ecosystems
- Produces, consumers, decomposers
- Mutalism
- Tundra, tigia
- What is a biome?
- Types of biomes
- Fresh and salt water ecosystems
- Ways animals adapt to their environments
- Producers to consumers
- Food chain
- Energy pyramid
- Prepositional phrase
- Dependent/ Independent
- Simple, compound, complex sentences
- Sentence fragments
- Use of hyphens
- Using me/ I correctly
- Commonly confused words
- Describing a game
- Describing a sport
- Describing a person
- Writing a narrative
- Identifying polygons
- Place value, billions through thousandths
- Types of triangles
- Subtracting decimals
- Circumference of circle
- Perimeter
- Types of angles
- Multiplying decimals
- Finding mean( average)
- Decimal to percentage
- Measuring using a ruler/ protractor
- Lines of symmetry
- Constructing angles
- Measuring angles
Monday, June 02, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Assignments for Monday May 29th
2. Social Studies test tomorrow. The Industrial Revolution.
3. Chelsea Bank Episode 9 Test
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Assignments for May 22
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Assignments for may 21
2. math quiz
3. science complete worksheet.
4. spelling page 100-101
5. Reading - practice page 182
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Assignments for May 20th
2. Grammar - pages 119-120
3. Science - complete worksheet
4. Spelling - page 94-95
Monday, May 19, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Assignments for May 16
2. Grammar - page 117
3. Spelling cycles 5 and 6
4. Continue to work on your science project - volcano.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Assignments for Monday May 8th
2. spelling - test tomorrow.
3. spelling page 224
4. writing - write your draft .
5. Chelsea bank workbook page 67
Monday, May 05, 2008
Assignments for Monday May 5th
2. Math - test tomorrow.
3. Spelling page 215 a park of your own.
4. Religion Test chapter 26
5. Reading page 149
Friday, May 02, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Assignments for May 1st
2. Religion - Page 63 workbook.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Assignments for April 30th
2. Mathematics - Page 140
3. Science - Test Tomorrow.
4. Spelling - Test Tomorrow.
5. Reading pages 145-146
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Assignments for April 29th
2. Math - page 138
3. Science - complete worksheet.
4. Spelling - page 207
5. Religion - page 61 workbook.
6. Writing - write your paragraph including topic sentence, body, and closing sentence.
7. Chelsea Bank Test Tomorrow.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
assignments for thursday 24th
mathematics page 137
Science complete worksheet.
spelling pages 204- 205
note: there is no school on friday and monday.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Assignments for April 23
2. Mathematics - page 134
3. Spelling - page 203 is it legal?
4. Social Studies - complete worksheet.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Assignments for April 22
Monday, April 21, 2008
Assignments for April 21
Monday, April 14, 2008
Assignments for April 14th
2. Mathematics - page 168
3. Science - Test Tomorrow. Start studying from the date of march 14Th.
4. Spelling - page 197 mobile message.
5. Reading - page 132.
6. Chelsea bank episode five test tomorrow.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Assignments for April 10
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Assignments for April 9th
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Assignment for the 1st day of april
2. Mathematics page 161 workbook.
3. Science - complete worksheet.
4. Spelling page 184
Monday, March 31, 2008
Assignments for March 31st
2. Mathematics - workbook page 160
3. Spelling pages 182-183
4. Unit 28 test tomorrow Spelling.
5. Religion workbook page 55
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Assignments for march 19th
2. Mathematics - page 159
3. Spelling - Test unit 28
4. Social Studies - projects due on the 31st.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Assignments for March 18th
2. Mathematics page 158
3. Science. Please complete worksheet.
4. Social Studies test tomorrow. study from the date of the 12Th of march 2008.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Assignments for Monday 17th
2. Mathematics - page 157
3. Spelling - page 176-177
4. Reading - page 122
Friday, March 14, 2008
Friday March 14th
2. Reading - Chelsea Bank Test Rescheduled for Monday.
3. Math workbook page 156
4. Reading workbook page 118
5. Social Studies - Page 47 workbook.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Assignments for Mar 13
2. Spelling Test tomorrow.
3. Religion page 53
4. Reading Episode 3 Chelsea Bank Test
5. Reading Workbook page 113-116
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Assignments for Mar 12
2. Social Studies TEst tomorrow
3. Spelling workbook page 172
4. Math Test tomorrow
5. English workbook page 91
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Assignment for March 7
2. Mathematics - page 130 workbook.
3. Spelling - Unit 26 Test
4. Religion - Test on monday . Review from aim of the 3rd of March
5. Writing - famous women reseach due monday.
6. Reading - page 107
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Assignments for Mar 6
2. Mathematics - workbook page 131
3. Writing - research on famous women in celebration of Women's history Month. Due Monday .
4. Reading - workbook page 105 - 106
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Assignments for Mar 5
2. Spelling page 167 Seal only !
3. Religion wkbk page 50
4. Reading page 108
Monday, March 03, 2008
Assignment for Mar 3
2. Mathematics - workbook page 127 numbers 1-12
3. Spelling - page 165
4. Religion - workbook page 49
Friday, February 29, 2008
Assignments for Feb 29th
2. Spelling - pages 163-164
3. Religion - Test on Monday
4. Take the time to review your drafts. they will be collected on Monday
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Assignments for February 27th
2. Mathematics - Test tomorrow review from aim dated Jan 30, 2008
3. Spelling workbook page 159
4. Reading - Episode 2 Test.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Assignments for February 26th
2. Mathematics page 123 numbers 5-10
3. Science - complete worksheet.
4. Spelling - Page 157 workbook . spelling vocabulary
5. Reading - Handout community clinic page ( 4)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Assignments for Thursday 21
2. Religion - Test tomorrow. Chapter 19. You can do the revision at www.webelieveweb.com. Go to study guides for grade 5 chapter 19.
3. Social Studies - Page 40
4. Writing - write drafts. Remember to skip a line.
5. Reading - page 14 Chelsea bank workbook.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Assignments for February 19th
2. Mathematics - workbook page 1201
3. Spelling Test Tomorrow.
4.Religion - workbook page 47 KEY WORDS and page 49 CATHOLIC LIFE.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Assignments for February 14.
English - page 77
Mathematics - workbook page 119
Science - complete worksheet.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Assignents for Feb 6
2. Religion - Create a mural/collage that celebrates teh sacrament of the anointing of the sick .
3. Writing - The Chelsea Bank workbook pages 2, 3 and 4
Monday, February 04, 2008
Assignments for February 4th
2. Mathematics - Workbook page 115
3. Science Test
4. Social Studies Test
5. Religion PAge 43
Friday, February 01, 2008
Assignments for Febrary 1st
2. Mathematics - worksheet question 2 (a) and (b)
3. Science - Test Tuesday aim dated January 25th , 2008
4. Lights Camera Action project due Monday ( spelling )
5. Religion workbook page 44
6. Social Studies Test Tuesday study from aim dated January 17th
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Assignments for january 31st
2. Mathematics - complete worksheet.
3. Spelling - Due monday " lights camera action" page 131
4. Social Studies - complete workbook.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Assignments for January 24
2. Religion - Handout
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Assignments for January 29th
2. mathematics - workbook page 113
3.Spelling - pages 124-130
4. Religion Test Tomorrow.
5. Social Studies - Test on Thursday
6. Grammar Test tomorrow
Friday, January 25, 2008
Assignments for January 25th.
2. Science project ( beans) due TUESDAY.
3. Spelling page 123
4. Religion - complete handout
5. Reading - page 100
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Assignments for January 24
2. Mathematics Quiz tomorrow.
3. Science project is now due on Monday. That will give some of you that started late a few more days to ensure that you complete your project.
4. Spelling pages 114-116
5. Religion - page 40 workbook
6. Writing - Choose an animal from the endangered species list and list the reasons why it is endangered. Write in your notebook.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Assignments for January 23
2. mathematics - pages 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20
3. Science Test tomorrow. review from DEC 6 to Jan 22nd
4. Spelling test tomorrow unit 17 includes words and definitions in notebook .
5. Religion - page 197 design magazine cover.
6. Reading workbook pages 95-96
7. Social Studies - finish head bans and place mats for your event leading up to the declaration of independence.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Assignments for January 22
2. social studies workbook page 35
3. Mathematics -complete worksheet back pages.
4. continue to check on science experiments due Friday .
Friday, January 18, 2008
Assignments for January 18th
2. Math 1 - complete handout
Math 2 - complete " house on haunted hill"
3. Science 1 - Complete worksheet
Science 2 - start science germination experiment
4. Spelling - Page 111 number 1-25
5. Religion - Test chapter 16
6. Reading - page 92 workbook.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Assignments for January 17th
2. Religion - complete handout.
3. Writing - complete the case of the squished tomatoes. Complete the 5w's and write your defense for your point of view.
4. Religion Midterm tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Assignments for January 16th
2. Religion - Page 39
3. Religion Test on Friday
4. Reading workbook page 89-90
5. Math midterm exam tomorrow.
Monday, January 14, 2008
assignments for january 14
2. Math - workbook page 84
3. Social Studies midterm tomorrow.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Assignments for January 10th
2. mathematics - oage 83 numbers 1-4
3. Science - Worksheet
4. Spelling Test tomorrow.
5. Religion - workbook page 37 adn 38 key words
6. Science - complete the answers for your study guide.
Midterm exam schedule and study giuides were given out today. There will be no extra copies. IF you need another print from below:
Friday 11th Reading / writing
Monday 14th Science
Tuesday 15th Social Studies
Wednesday 16th Grammar/ Vocabulary
Thursday 17th Mathematics
Friday 18th Religion
The following is your study guide for midterm examinations. There are no “extra” copies. Use this as your guide to ensure that you are fully prepared for exams.
Ø Know the following vocabulary words: Paschal Mystery, corporal. Spiritual, apostles, neophyte, catechumenate, liturgy, kingdom of God.
Ø What are the sacraments of Initiation?
Ø What are the sacraments?
Ø Baptism. Signs and symbols. What does the sacrament do for us?
Ø What is the incarnation?
Ø Who baptized Jesus and where?
Ø Symbols of water used in the bible.
Ø Confirmation. Signs and symbols. What does the sacrament do for us?
Ø What is RCIA?
Ø What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Ø What is the difference between the corporal and spiritual gifts of mercy? Name them.
Ø Eucharist. Signs and symbols. What does the sacrament do for us?
Ø Penance. Signs and symbols. What does the sacrament do for us?
Ø What do we mean when we say the Eucharist is a meal, sacrifice, and a memorial?
Ø What are the main parts of the mass?
Ø Different ways that people serve the church in worship.
Ø What is prayer?
Ø What is transubstantiation?
Ø Ways that the church carries out the mission of Jesus.
ü Place value of whole numbers through billions
ü Place value of whole numbers through thousandths
ü Addition and subtraction of three digit numbers.
ü Properties of addition and subtraction.
ü Division: whole numbers by decimals.
ü Order of Operations.
ü Division by one and two digit divisors
ü Greatest common factors
ü Lowest common denominator
ü Fractions to mixed Numbers.
ü Multiplication of decimals by decimals
ü Division of decimals by whole numbers
ü Rounding to the nearest cent
Vocabulary/Spelling. – Review Units one through 16
Pay more attention to the following units:
Ø Spelling I and o ( unit3)
Ø Homophones ( unit 10 )
Ø Cumulative ( unit 12)
ü Define Cell
ü Parts of a cell .
ü Types of cell
ü What are organs
ü Diagram of Cells
ü What are systems?
ü Diagrams of body systems.
ü Vocabulary of Body systems
ü Sexual and Asexual reproduction
ü Traits; types of
ü Mitosis and Meiosis
ü Life cycles , direct Development
Social Studies
Ø Route of Nomadic tribes from Asia to the Americas
Ø Europe in the 1300’s. Cathedrals designs, black death
Ø Building that Native Americans lived in. Reasons for their design.
Ø The mayflower compact
Ø Life in New England colony.
Ø Who was banished from the New England colony and why?
Ø Representative Democracy.
Ø House of Burgess.
Ø Slave vs. indentured servants.
Ø What is a plantation?
Ø Bread Basket colonies: what was it? Who lived there? What was life like? What jobs did they have? How were boys and girls educated?
Your reading and writing assignment will be administered together. Reading will focus on your ability to read and recall information, make judgments, making inferences, identifying sequence.
You will be writing an essay. Go over essay format to ensure that you use the proper organizational tools for writing your essay.
Your exam will also include a penmanship portion. Review your penmanship skills.
ü What is a sentence?
ü Types of sentences.
ü Simple and compound sentences.
ü Complete subject and complete Predicate
ü Verbs and Verb Phrases.
ü Conjunctions.
ü Possessive nouns
ü Forms of the verb “be”
ü Contractions
ü Present, past and future tense of verbs.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Assignments for Jan 04
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Assignments for Jan 03
2. Mathematics - workbook page 110 numbers 13-22
3. Spelling - vocabulary test tomorrow. Review words page 96.
4. S Studies - page 31
5. Writing - write three topics on a sheet of loose leaf paper. One of them will become your expository writing topic. Be as specific as possible. List in the order 1. 2. 3. DO NOT WRITE on any of the topics.