Monday, October 30, 2006

Assignments for Monday 30th

1. English - Grammar workbook pages 67, 68, 69A, and 70.

2. Mathematics - Page 15 Multiplying decimals.

3. Science - Memorize the elements from 1-20. Know their chemical symbol and atomic number. (Exam Tomorrow )

4. Spanish - Test tomorrow . Note book check tomorrow.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Assignments for Friday 27th

1. English - Grammar Workbook page 64, 65, and 66A

2. Math - Workbook page 14 - Actual Answers no Estimates.

3. Spelling- Two tests on Monday . The first is on chapter 5 and the second is cumulative. Includes chapters 1-5.

4. Religion - Test on Monday Chapter 7.

5. Social Studies - compile a one page report on the Salem witch trials. Include a front page and bibliography.

6. Social Studies - Complete the given handout.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Assignments for Thursday October 26

1. Science - Test tomorrow on Minerals.

2. Social studies - name all the supreme court justices. Sort them by race and gender.

3. Research outlines given. Being working on your research paper. Topic: The N-Word. A historical and contemporary view.

4. Writing/Reading- Complete worksheet based on the film " The Amistad."

5. Outline:

HEre is the outline for the next research paper:

Use of the N- Word – Grade 7
Research Report
You are being asked to write a research report about the use of the N-Word. Presently there is a lot of debate that exists over the word. Some regard the word as still discriminatory while others regard its use as a term of endearment.
Introduction – introduce paper; tell what your report will focus on/cover
History – What are the roots of the N word within a historical context?
Contemporary – How has the use of the N- Word evolved?
Controversy – What debate surrounds this word? Give arguments from both sides.
Conclusion – What are you feeling on this subject? Explain your reasons for reaching the conclusions you have made.

Student Assessment Process:

The students written research paper will be graded following the criteria/rubric below.

Cover – 10pts.
· Title
· Picture
· Your Name
· Grade
· Date – Date that Assignment is due – 01/24/03
· Teacher’s Name

Essay – written assignment – 65pts.
· Must include content discussed

Bibliography – 20pts.
· You must use at least two sources as a resource for information
· Must follow format discussed/covered in class

Neatness – Overall presentation of assignment – 5pts.
· Must be typed – Font 12 – Double Spaced
· Correct Grammar – Word Usage; Punctuation; Tenses; Sentence Structure
· Spelling

Schedule of Dates:

Drafts are due on Monday the 30th

Presentations are due on Wednesday November 1st

Finals are due Friday the 3rd of November.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Assignments for Wednesday Oct 25

1. Grammar - Workbook pages 61, 62, and 63A

2. Mathematics - page 13 Q 1-5 and Q 11-16.

3. S Studies - Complete Activity at the bottom of page 89 in text on construction paper.

4. S Studies - Quiz Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Assignments for Tuesday the 24th

1. Science - complete both worksheets

2. Social Studies - Complete worksheet

3. Reading - Page 135 Expressing yourself or the Problem Solving activity. Choose and complete one of them.

4. Spanish - Quiz tomorrow on all notes. Write 6 sentences using the adjectives on page 45. Notebook check on Tuesday October 31st.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Assignments for Monday 23rd

1. English - Grammar workbook pages 55, 56 and 57A

2. Mathematics - Test tomorrow on integers - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

3. Spelling Vocabulary- pages 38, 39, and 40.

4. Spanish - translate letter on page 54 of text. Write the vocabulary in the box into your Spanish notebooks.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Assignments for Friday 20th

1. Mathematics - Complete handout

2. Writing - Final papers due Monday. Use the comments and suggestions from your draft and apply those towards the final paper.

3. Writing - Summarize today's cultural presentations. Which captured your interest? Why ? What new elements about someone else's culture did you learn.

4. Reading- Complete handout. Identifying main ideas.

p.s Thanks to all who presented today and to your families for helping make our cultural experience both a learning and an enjoyable one.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Assignments for Thursday the 19th

1. Elglish - Workbook page 37 and 38

2. Writing - Final Papers due date have been changed to Monday.

3. Writing - Research presentations due tomorrow.

4. S. Studies - copy cause and effect diagram into your notebooks. Diagram is on page 87 of the text

5. Reading - complete worksheet

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Assignments for Wednesday the 18 the

1. English - Grammar workbook page 52, 53 and 54

2. Religion - test tomorrow

3. Science - test tomorrow

4. Spelling Unit test tomorrow

5. Spanish - 10 Spanish sentences with vocabulary page 45 in your notebook.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Assignments for Monday Oct 16

1. English - Grammar workbook pages 49, 50, and 51

2. Mathematics- Workbook page 36.

3. Spelling - Vocabulary Book page 34-35

4. Writing - Drafts due tomorrow

Friday, October 13, 2006

Assignments for Friday the 13th October

1. English - Grammar pages 46 47 and 48

2. Mathematics- Workbook page 35

3. Science- Explain how a farmer might find each of the three types of maps useful.

4. Spelling - Spelling Vocabulary pages 31, 32, 33.

5. Spelling Quiz Monday on Unit 3.

6. Writing - Thanks for all who handed in their outlines and bibliography. Note that Drafts are due on Tuesday.

7. Social Studies - Complete both worksheets.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Assignments for Thursday Oct. 12th

1. Science. Take the Quiz if you have not done so . The link is below. You have already viewed the video so you can go right to the quiz.

2.Social Studies - Complete comprehension worksheet.

3. Spanish - Work on your projects.

4. Writing - Bibliographies and outlines are due tomorrow.

5. Writing - You need a journal. You can use a regular notebook and design it so it expresses you . Or you can purchase a journal at any bookstore.

Now that you have received your progress reports note that final report cards are about 4-5 weeks away. Therefore use this as an opportunity to note your weaknesses and fortify them by ensuring that you are always prepared to the best of your ability.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Assignments for Wednesday October 11th

1. Grammar test tomorrow on kinds of nouns; plural nouns. Possessive nouns, compound nouns and noun jobs.

2. Social Studies - Write a Diary bases on how you were split whether it is from the viewpoint of an Indian or a Spaniard. Remember to focus on first encounter or treatment. It must be realistic and personal therefore be descriptive. It is a three-day journal. So there must be three entries.

3. Continue to work on Projects. Outlines are due on Friday.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Assignments for Tuesday the 10th

1. English - workbook pages 43,44, and 45

2. Mathematics - workbook page 34

3. Religion - Religion Test Tomorrow chapter 5 . Review notes and page of text reviewed today.

4. Research paper. Start working on outline.

The information that follows regards the research paper. You can come back here if you loose the information and need clarification.

Cultural Research Report – Due Date: Friday, 20th October 2006
You are being asked to write a research report about a country pertaining to your family’s cultural background. The report must be at least six paragraphs long and must include the following.
Introduction – introduce paper; tell what your report will focus on/cover
Background – General Information – Quick Facts: population, language, location, capital, etc.
Culture – Customs – Traditions: holidays, celebrations, music, festivals, dress/clothing, dances, etc.
Government – Form of government: leaders how are they chosen/selected, has the government changed? if so, why?, when?, type of government,; ex. Democratic, Communist, etc.
Way of Life – How do the people live? – Jobs, everyday activities, what they do for fun, role of men and women, etc.

The assignment must follow the steps that have been discussed, for example, outline, first draft, and final copy. The assignment must also include a cover, as well as a bibliography. THE FINAL PAPER AND PRESENTATION IS DUE FRIDAY, 20th. DO NOT COPY MATERIAL FROM YOUR SOURCE OF INFORMATION!!!!

- Friday the 13th

The students will discuss how they plan to represent/ show representation of their culture whether in song, dance, dress, or food. Students will discuss outline with the teacher and bibliography.

- 17 and 18th October

First drafts of paper are due for review. Must follow format given.

- 20th October 8, 2006

Final papers and presentation due.

Student Assessment Process:

The students written research paper will be graded following the criteria/rubric below.

Cover – 5pts.
· Title
· Picture
· Your Name
· Grade
· Date – Date that Assignment is due
· Teacher’s Name

Essay – written assignment – 60pts.
· Must include content discussed

Bibliography – 10pts.
· You must use at least two sources as a resource for information

Neatness – Overall presentation of assignment – 5pts.
· Must be typed – Font 12 – Double Spaced
· Correct Grammar – Word Usage; Punctuation; Tenses; Sentence Structure
· Spelling

Your presentation ( food, song, dance, dress, collage, etc) is worth 20 points and is judged on your delivery and your ability to keep your audience engaged.


World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book Inc., 2002, v1-22.

People and Places. Chicago: World Book Inc., 2002, v1-6.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Assignments for Friday October 6th

1. Science part 1 - complete both handouts according to the directions given.

2. Science part 2 - refer to assignments listing for wednesday this week.

3. Spanish - refer to assignments listing for wednesday this week.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Assignments for Wednesday Oct 4

1. English - Grammar ppgs 40-42 in workbook

2. Math - workbook page 49

3. Science . - complete the worksheet using words and definitions in your notebook.

Science . - due Tuesday - Create a poster on either chemical or physical weathering. Use photos or drawings to illustrate where necessary. Be ready to present to the class.

4. Spanish - 1. Page 43 Spanish work in text; 2. Page 61 write the vocabulary in your notebook; 3. Page 57-60 complete all exercises.

5. Social Studies - complete given worksheet.

please note: some of you have been negligent in your Spanish assignments. Note that Spanish counts towards the final average. Ensure that all assignments are done and tests taken seriously.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Assignment for Tuesday Oct 3

1. Science - prepare to Give a 1-2 minute presentation on an alternative form (source) of energy. Practice and time yourself. You may use props.

2. Writing - Complete penmanship up to page 20

Monday, October 02, 2006

Asignments for Monday Oct 2

1. English - Pages 37-38 and 39

2. Social Studies Test tomorrow.

3. Mathematics Test Tomorrow Review Lessons related to Pages 114-116 of the workbook.

4. Vocabulary Test tomorrow from the workbook (pp 51-53) and the Spelling vocabulary text ( unit 2) . These include the definitions for the words given in your notebook related to music and the corresponding chapter.