Friday, September 29, 2006

Assignments for September 29th

1. English - Workbook page 34 and 35

2. Mathematics - Complete worksheet

3. Science - Answer question on handout

4. Religion - Test on Monday. Study the notes and page 53 of text.

5. Vocabulary Workshop ( orange book ) pp 56 and 57

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Assignments for Sept. 28th

1. English - Workbook pp 115

2. Science - Science Test Tomorrow

3. Writing - Research papers due tommorow

4. Writing- Composition workbook page 17 read page 18 and do 19 and 20.

5. Social Studies - Complete the 2 worksheets.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Assignments for Sept 27th

1. English - Grammar pp 31 and 32.

2. Spelling - Test tomorrow on Spelling Vocabulary - definitions in notebooks and word list unit two.

Spelling- Vocabulary Workshop . Write a paragraph or paragraphs using the list of words on page 51, 52, or 53. Highlight the words in the paragraph. You are using only the words on one of these pages.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Assignments for Tuesday 24 Sept.

1. Mathematics - Workbook page 114 answer all questions.

2. Writing - Composition workbook complete up to page 16.

3. Work on Research papers. Due on Friday .

4. Science take online Quiz as per the directions that you were given. If you do not have computer access you will take the Quiz tomorrow at 3pm. Those with computer access can take the quiz at Just click on the above link to be taken to the website.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Assignments for Monday 25th Sept

1. English - Test tomorrow, Review pages of workbook 4,7,10,13,16,28

2. Mathematics - Workbook page 111

3. Science - Copy figures of the three types of faults from the text. Ensure that you copy the labels correctly. Pages 46-47 of text.

4. Vocabulary Workshop - pages 54-55. Quiz on words on pages 51-53.

5. Penmanship up to page 10 must be completed.

6. Writing - Work on your research paper. Research papers may be submitted via email for feedback. Research is due on Friday. Consultations will continue tomorrow and Wednesday.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Assignments for Friday 22

1. Grammar workbook pages 29and 30.

2. Spelling Vocabulary - homework pages 20-21

3. Spelling Workbook - Test on the review of pages 42-50

4. Research paper drafts due on Monday.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Assignment for Wednsday September 20

1. English - wkbk pg. 16 and 17

2. Math - wkbk pg. 111 and 112

3. Science - Complete quiz

4. Spelling - Spelling workshop pg. 42 - 50

5. Spanish - pg. 22 text#1 - 10, answers in NB

Assignment for Wednsday September 20

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Assignments for Sept.19

1. Writing- fill the survey

2. Writing - Assignment on the moral delima of chosing right or wrong.

3.spelling workshop page 31-34

Monday, September 18, 2006

Assignments for Monday Sept 18th

1. English - Workbook page 14 and 15.

2. Mathematics- workbook page 110 and on looseleaf page 317 (text) numbers 15-26

3. Science Test tomorrow on chpt. 1 - review notes and page 28 of text.

4. Spanish - Quiz on Wednesday - Vocab from the word search.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Assignments for Friday Sept 15

1. English - complete worksheet

2. Mathematics - workbook pages 108-109

3. Science - Continue working on projects that are due Friday.

4. Review Writing Assignment and begin collecting information on the topic.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Assignments for Thursday September 14

1. Composition workbook - page 10 activities A B and C

2. Spelling Test tomorrow Unit 1 Spelling Vocabulary.

3. Vocabulary Workshop (orange book) page 38 and 39.

4. Religion- Test tomorrow - review notes and page 17 of text.

5. Review handout with topic in mind for next research paper. Topic is : Compare and contrast tradition vs. Modern families.

6. Science Handout for Project due Next Friday.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Assignments for Wed. Sept 13

1. English - Compete the worksheet on Simple predicates/verbs.

2. Mathematics - Page 31 workbook.

3. Spelling - Write word and definitions of the 10 words that were specified twice on loose leaf paper. Complete page 16 and 17

4. Quiz tomorrow on the 10 words and the given definitions.

5. Religion -use one of the symbols on page 14 and find the meaning.

6. Spanish - complete, define, word search; correct accents on letters.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Assignments for Tuesday Sept. 12

1.English - complete the worksheet.

2. Mathematics - workbook page 30 and the worksheet .

3. Religion - Find a ritual from your culture. Describe the ritual and explain the use of symbolism within the ritual.

4. Social Studies - use the five themes of Geography to describe the area that you live. Use at least 2 sentences for each theme.

5. Writing - Get a poem of your choice. NOT A SONG. Write an essay that does the following - A. That describes what is happening in the poem. And b.Explain the message of the poem. What is the author trying to say. Use lines form the poem to stress your point. Lastly, include a reference page like I described in class.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Assignments for Monday 11 Sept

1. Grammar page 584 numbers 1-10

2. Mathematics - page 28 and 29 int he workbook

3. Spelling/Vocabulary - oral quiz on words on page 12. / complete pages 13 and 14.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Assignments for Friday sept 8

1. Mathematics - workbook pages 25 and 26.

2. Spelling/Vocabulary - Complete pages 31 and 32 .

3. Spelling/Vocabulary - Review words and their meaning on pages 28-30 for a quiz. Acquaint yourself with the definitions.

4. Religion - illustrate a symbol that represents you as a person. It should not be a flag or some symbol that already exists. It should be original. Be ready to present your symbol. Your presentation is graded.

5. Writing - Review your writing exercise comparing and contrasting the role men and women in today's' society. There is a grade for presentation ,as well as, the paper. So prepare appropriately.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

assignments for sept 7

1. Spelling - page 25-26.

2. Spelling Quiz tomorrow.

3.Mathematics - page 24 workbook.

4. Compare and contrast the roles of women and men in today' society.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Homework for sept 6

Vocabulary Workshop ppgs 18-20

Monday, September 04, 2006

Welcome New Students.

Dear students

welcome to another year at S.N.T. More importantly welcome to the seventh grade. By now you have familiarized yourself with the handbook and the rules that guide this classroom. Please pay attention to the 10 commandments of 7-404. This blog is used for listing homework assignments and for reminders only.