Thursday, December 15, 2005

Assignments for Thursday 15th December

1. English - Writing/Grammar test tomorrow on Interpretation of Art.

2. Mathematics - Assignment page 41 no 14-25 ( Math test tomorrow)

3. Science - Test tomorrow. Rocks and Review of PEriodic Table.

4. Spelling - Test tomorrow on Chapter 13.

5. Religion - Test tomorrrow on Hiv/Aids Education.

6. Writing - Complete page 37 sentences 5-10 in workbook/text.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Assignments for Wednesday December 14th

1. English - Workbook page 107 A and B

2. Mathematics - workbook page 41 No 1-13

3. Science - Test on Friday

4. Vocabulary for Achievement - Page 83 Exercise 3; page 84 exercise 4

5. Spelling Test on Friday.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Assignments for Tuesday Dec 13th

Writing - Based on today's lesson of Defining Art. Find a piece of artwork that you enjoy. Compose a 2-3 paragraph essay that firstly describes the work; and secondly give your feedback in terms of what message does that piece of art convey to you.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Assignments for Monday the 12

1. English - Grammar workbook page 104 and 105 A.

2. Spelling - Page 89

3. Mathematics - Page 40 number 21-30

4. Spanish complete worksheet

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Assignments for Thursday December 8th

1. Mathematics - workbook page 39 numbers 6-26

2. Science - Complete Review Worksheet

3. Reading - Get 2 cartoons from the newspaper or online. Not Cartoon Series. Explain what is it about society that the artist is poking gest (fun) at .

4. Social Studies - Complete Take Home Quiz.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Spelling- (VFA) pg. 76 (ex. 4) pg. 78 ( all)

Reading- Cartoon from newspaper

Writing- point 2 (# 1-4)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Assignments for Monday 5th December

1. English - Workbook page 99 A and B

2. Spelling - page 80 no 41-60

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Assignments for Tuesday November 22

1. Mathematics - test tomorrow on integers

2. Spelling - Complete page 69 and 70 in vocabulary for Achievement.

3. Spelling Test tomorrow.

4. Reading - page 212 personal writing or Learning for life.

5. Social Studies Complete Worksheet.