Friday, October 28, 2005

Assignments for Friday Oct.28th

1. English - Grammar page 52-53.

2. Science - Test on Monday .

3. Create a photography timeline of our life, depicting special events or periods of change.

4. Published copy of report due Monday.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Assignments for Thursday October 27

1. Science - Test tomorrow on chapter 3

2. Spelling Test Chapters 1-5

3. Project - Create a photography timeline of yourself, highlighting important milestones or changes.

4. Writing - Published copy of Research Due Monday.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Assignments for Wednesday Oct. 26th

1. English Language - Grammar workbook page 49 all questions and page 50 exercise B.

2. Spelling Quiz tomorrow on chapter 5 ( homophones).

3. Reading - complete handout.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Assignments for Tuesday October 25, 2005

1. English - Page 24 workbook . All Questions

2. Social Studies - Test Tomorrow

3. Reading - Complete the worksheet.

4. Writing - Composition workbook activity on page 24.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Assignments for Monday October 24, 2005

1. English - Workbook Page 47 A and B

2. Spelling - Test page 38 and 39

3. Social Studies - Take the pretest

4. Writing - Be ready to give a one minute oral presentation on the topic you chose to research .

Friday, October 21, 2005

Assignments for Friday October 21st

1. Reading - Research paper due on Monday. Refer to Thursday's assignments.

2. Religion Quest has been postponed until Monday.

3. Social Studies - Complete the Worksheets.

4. Writing- Research Paper on one of the following topics: a. Medicinal marijuana, b. Use of Animals for Fur; c. Cannibalism. Paper should follow the 5 paragraph and MLA Organization. Be ready to give a 3 minute presentation on your topic.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Assignments for Thursday October 20th

1. Science - Define the terms given.

2. Religion - Quest tomorrow

3. Reading - Page 102 choose one of the three projects and complete one of them. This is due on Monday.

4. Composition - Workbook Page 22 Activity A

5. Math Quiz Tomorrow.

Enjoy your evening.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Assignments for Tuesday Oct. 18th

1. Mathematics - Workbook page 23 all questions.

2. Science - Vocabulary Quiz on the terms related to weathering.

3. Spanish - Write the 15 vocabulary words 2 times each on loose leaf.

4. Social Studies - Complete the worksheet.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Assignments for Monday Sept 17th

1. English - Workbook page 41 A and 42 A

2. mathematics - Workbook page 22 ( all questions)

3. Science - Complete Crossword related to vocabulary list on weathering and erosion.

4. Science - Quiz Tomorrow

5. Spelling - Text complete exercises on pages 32-33

Friday, October 14, 2005

Assignments for Friday October 14th

1. Complete the social studies handouts given. (2)

2. Complete the spanish worksheet.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Assignments for Wednesday October 12

1. English - Workbook page 37 - 38 all questions.

2. Grammar test on Friday - includes: types of nouns, singular and plural nouns, possessive nouns, and a review of sentence structure.

3. Mathematics - Workbook Page 21 all questions

4. Spelling - chapter Test on Friday.

5. Reading - Research paper is due on Friday.

Reminders: a. There are a few students who have not yet handed in their research papers re: time magazine. You will be retained Friday afternoon if these are not submitted on Friday morning.
b. Friday is casual day. You are aware of the rules for appropriate dress and expect all students from MY CLASS to adhere to these guidelines. It is a fundraising drive therefore if you have not submitted payment be sure to have it with you on Friday. If students do not comply then I will withdraw OUR CLASS from any future casual days. PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Assignments for Thursday October 6th

1. Social Studies. Use your notes and text to complete all six handouts. They must be handed in on Tuesday Morning.

Remember: No class on Friday and Monday.

Enjoy your break and make sure you spend sometime doing something you find rewarding and fulfilling.

Mr. Thomas

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Assignments for Thursday October 6

1. English - Workbook pages 32 and 33 answer all questions.

2. Mathematics - Workbook page 19 answer all remaining questions.

3. Spelling test tomorrow on Unit 2.

4. Writing - Research final copies due tomorrow.

5. Social Studies - Complete the worksheet.

6. Reading - Published copies of your interviews are due tomorrow. Re: Biography of a classmate.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Assignments for October4

1. Mathematics Workbook Page 18 (Entire page)

2. Religion quiz tomorrow.

3. Writing Workbook Page 10-11 Activity C.
Published due on Thursday.

4. Miscellaneous- Return Emergency Card.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Assignments for Monday October 3

1. Mathematics workbook page 13 numbers 11 thru 22.

2. Spelling Text pages 22 and 23.

3. Social Studies Read Page 41-45 for a Quiz Tomorrow. Pay special attention to the Terms in Bold Print.

4. Writing - Research paper Published copies are due on Thursday.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Assignments for Friday the 30th of September

1. English Grammar - Text page 30 Part B and Page 31 no 1-10.

2. Science projects are due on monday. Your volcano should resemble one of the three types of volcanoes.

3. Spelling - Text page 19 number 1-25 and page 20 number 1-25

Enjoy your weekend .

Mr. Thomas