Thursday, September 29, 2005

Assignments for Thursday Sept. 29th

1. Science - Continue to work on your projects for Monday. your volcano should reflect one of the three types of volcanoes.

2. Science - Quiz tomorrow . Study notes relating to volcanoes and the types of boundaries.

3. Reading- Students who did not hand in their draft today. Your deadline is tomorrow. Failure to do so will result in a failure on part 2 of the exercise.

4. Writing - Your folktales are due tomorrow. I need the organization (5w's); draft and published copies.

Enjoy your evening.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Assignment for Tuesday September 27, 2005

1. Science - Continue to gather materials and work on your project. This is due on Monday.

2. Spelling Quiz Tomorrow - Words on page 12 of the text and the words and definitions in your notebook.

3. Writing - Drafts are due tomorrow Re: Research Article.

4. Reading/Writing - Drafts are due tomorrow Re: Biography of a Classmate.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Assignments for Monday Sept. 26th

1. Spanish - Page 13 numbers 1 to 11 (3x each) el/la profesor(a) dice

2. Science -

a. Use your text book to plot the map that you are given.
b. Collect materials to construct your science project that is due on Monday.

3. Writing - work on your drafts. They are due on Wednesday. No excuses. No makeups.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Assignment for September, 23 2005

1. Research the topic that you were given relating to your Time magazine article. Your information should be from two sources. Be ready to present your findings to the class. Failure to do so will result in zero credit. No make ups will be allowed for this assignment.

Reminder: Remember to return your technology and photo forms. You cannot use the lab without your technology forms.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Assignment for Monday Thursday Sept. 22

1. Mathematics - Page 38 in text numbers 1-4

2. Science - Test tomorrow on earthquakes and a few revision questions from the interior of the earth.

3. Religion - Quiz on the rituals tomorrow.

4. Reading -

part 1. Page 74, extending your response. Pick one of the options.
part 2. Complete the Handout

5. Writing - Browse the issue of Time magazine that you were given. Choose one article. Be prepared to give a summary of the article to the class.

Reminders: All releases must be signed and returned as soon as possible IF YOU CHOOSE those options.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Assignment for Monday Wednesday Sept. 21

1. Grammar - Workbook page 17 numbers 1 thru 7

2. Science - Read pages 36-41 as well as your notes for Quiz tomorrow.

3. Religion a. Explain the meaning of the flag to the culture to which you identify yourself as.
b. Construct your own flag and be reading to explain its symbolism.

4. Spanish - Page 25 activities relating to the vocabulary words.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Assignments for Tuesday Sept 20th

1. Math - Workbook page 7 numbers 1 to 20.

2. Reading/Writing -

a. Complete the point of view exercise
b. Use each section of the point of view exercise to construct four separate paragraphs

3. Mathematics Quiz tomorrow. Areas include place value and decimals.

Reminders: All students must be in the new Gym uniform next week. If you can't have it by next week please inform the school's office.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Assignment for Monday 19 September

1. English - Workbook page 14 Sections A and B

2. Mathematics - Page 6 All Questions

3. Spelling - Page 13 No 1-20 and Page 14 No. 1-9

4. Religion - Describe a ritual found in your culture and explain its significance.

5. Spanish - Page 8 Exercise D No 1-8

6. Grammar - Test Tomorrow. Subject areas include: Sentence subject, sentence predicates, simple subjects, simple verbs/predicates, compound subjects and compound verbs/predicates.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Assignments for Friday Sept. 16

1. Math: Workbook page 6 questions 1-18.

2.English: Page 7 numbers 11-20, page 8 answer all questions.

3. Social Studies: Please Review.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Assignment for Sept 14, 2005

1. Religion: Quiz tomorrow on St. Martin de porres.

2. Spanish: Page 2 Exercise A numbers 1-6 and write two greeting dialogues.

3. Vocabulary: Do diagnostic test pages 18-20, answer all questions.

A. You must purchase your assignment book by tomorrow.
B. Return all forms including lunch forms, regardless if you bring your own lunch. Deadline for forms is Friday.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Assignment for Tuesday Sept 13

1. English - Use the answers to your interview questions and compile them into a single paper numerically.

2. Religion - Finish drawing your personality symbol. Be prepared to explain to class.

3. Science - Quiz tomorrow on the earth's interior.

4. Reading - Create a poem, using your chosen emotion and be sure to include your stated representation.

5. Composition - Page 7 Activity on proofreading.

6. Your summer book reports are due.


a. If you have not purchased your assignment pad be sure to do so . deadline is Friday.

b. All forms should be submitted by Friday. If your personal information has changed remember to write it on an index card or sheet of paper so your file can be updated.

c. All text books should be covered by Friday.

Enjoy your evening.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Assignments for Monday Sept 12

1. English - Workbook page 3 section A numbers 1 thru 6 .

2. Mathematics - Workbook Page 3 numbers 1 thru 20.

3. Religion - write a short biography on Saint Martin de Porres.

4. Writing - Prepare a list of five (5) compelling interview questions for a classmate. Be prepared to conduct an interview.


a. Assignment books must be purchased by Friday.
b. All forms should be returned by Friday to ensure timely processing.
c. All text books must be covered. It is school policy. Please do so by Friday.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Assignment for Friday sept 9

1. Vocabulary

workbook page exercise number 1-10

2. Handout

Conduct an interview with an older person in your family. Get a brief background and a job or chore that is no longer performed in most households.
You should submit

a. a list of the interview questions
b. the responses.

Be prepared to give a brief presentation.

Enjoy your weekend.


a. remember to purchase an assignment pad from the office in case you have not done so.
b. remember to return the lunch forms by friday of the next week.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Assignment Thursday September 8

Summarize the main points of today's article. Remember proper heading and grammar.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Assignment for Wed Sept 7

Write a one page two paragraphs paper that discusses one of the social problems that Hurricane Katrina has outlined (caused to be brought to the nation's attention). The first paragraph should give an overview of the problem and the second paragraph should give your opinions on the subject. Remember to use proper heading. If using a word processor like Microsoft Word; you must use size 10 font . Be ready to discuss your views with the class.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


WElcome students and parents of 7-404. Looking foward to an exciting and fruitful learning experience. You can use this to check your homework assigments, in case you forgot your assignment books in class.